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if ($pasted ne "0") { my ($player, $points, $koo) = ("", -1, ""); my $id; foreach (split(/\n/, $pasted)) { ($player, $points, $koo) = ("", 0, ""); my $regex = Ogame::translate(/Nachricht_schreiben/); if (/$regex/) { # firefox: #9 Giggel Nachricht schreiben Ratsmitglied 251235 2:280:11 - On my @foo = split(/\t/); ($player, $points, $koo) = ($foo[1], $foo[4], $foo[5]); # print 'found1 ($player, $points, $koo) ='." ($foo[1], $foo[4], $foo[5])<br>"; } elsif (/^\d+\t(.*)\t\t.*?\t\s*(\d+)\t\s*([0-9:]+)\s*\t/) { # opera #10 Julia Drohne 35098 7:88:4 2006-03-31 12:31:39 On ($player, $points, $koo) = ($1, $2, $3); # print 'found2 ($player, $points, $koo) ='." ($1, $2, $3)<br>"; } elsif (/^\d+\s+(.*)\s+[\wü]+\s+(\d+)\s+(.*?)\s+/) { ($player, $points, $koo) = ($1, $2, $3); # print 'found3 ($player, $points, $koo) ='." ($1, $2, $3)<br>"; } if (($player ne "") && ($points > -1) && ($koo ne "")) { $sth = $dbh->prepare("select id from $uni{'name'}_allymember where player=?;"); $sth->execute($player); if ($sth->rows == 0) { $sth = $dbh->prepare("insert into $uni{'name'}_allymember set player=?, koo=?;"); $sth->execute($player, $koo); $sth = $dbh->prepare("select id from $uni{'name'}_allymember where player=?;"); $sth->execute($player); print "new player: $player ($koo)<br>"; # print "<br>insert into $uni{'name'}_allymember set player='$player', koo='$koo'<br>"; } $id = $sth->fetchrow_array; $sth = $dbh->prepare("update $uni{'name'}_allymember set timestamp=NOW() where id=?;"); $sth->execute($id); $sth = $dbh->prepare("select age from $uni{'name'}_allymember_points where player_id=? and age=?;"); $sth->execute($id, $age); if ($sth->rows == 0) { $sth = $dbh->prepare("insert into $uni{'name'}_allymember_points set player_id=?, points=?, age=?;"); $sth->execute($id, $points, $age); } else { $sth = $dbh->prepare("update $uni{'name'}_allymember_points set points=? where player_id=? and age=?;"); $sth->execute($points, $id, $age); } } else { # print "Parse error: $_<br>"; } } }
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if (defined($cgi->param('parse'))) { @lines = split(/\n/, $cgi->param('pasted')); my $line; $text .= "<table border>\n"; $text .= "<tr><td colspan=4>Update <small>(wenn leer, ging was schief!)</small></td></tr>\n"; $text .= "<tr><td>Platz</td><td>Spieler</td><td>Ally</td><td>Punkte</td></tr>\n"; my $i = 0; my $cnt = 0; foreach $line (reverse @lines) { #3 + PG Power kaffee 178392 #4 sand kaffee 176800 #5 * Done it Duncan XCT 159366 next unless ($line =~ /[^\s]/); my @valuez = split(/\t/, $line); next unless(defined($valuez[4])); foreach (@valuez) { s/^\s*//; s/\s*$//; } $valuez[0] =~ /^(\d+)/; $valuez[0] = $1; $valuez[4] =~ s/[^\d]//g; next unless (defined(($valuez[0]))); next if ($valuez[4] eq ""); next if ($valuez[4] =~ /[^\d]/); if ($i == 0) { $sth = $dbh->prepare("select platz from $uni{'name'}_ogame_players order by platz desc limit 1;"); $sth->execute(); my $last = $sth->fetchrow_array; for ($i = $last + 1; $i <= $valuez[0]; $i++) { $sth = $dbh->do("insert into $uni{'name'}_ogame_players set platz='$i';"); $cnt++; } $i = 1; } if (($valuez[0] =~ /(\d+)/) && ($valuez[1] ne "")){ $sth = $dbh->do("update $uni{'name'}_ogame_players set ally='$valuez[3]', punkte='$valuez[4]', name='$valuez[1]', date=NOW() where platz='$1';"); $cnt++; $text .= "<tr><td>$1</td><td>$valuez[1]</td><td>"; if ($valuez[3] ne "") { $text .= $valuez[3]; } else { $text .= " "; } $text .= "</td><td>$valuez[4]</td></tr>\n"; } else { $text .= "<!--tr><td colspan=4>Diese Zeile wird ignoriert: $line</td></tr-->\n"; } } $text .= "</table>\n$cnt Zeilen wurden verwendet"; }
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
if ($parse_stats == 1) { my $pasted = $cgi->param('pasted'); if ($pasted eq "") { print '<center><b style="font-size:20pt; color:#EE0000;">dumm geklickt, was?</b></center><br>'; } else { # $sth = $dbh->prepare("delete from allystats where date=curdate();"); # $sth->execute; my ($place, $ally, $members, $points, $valid) = (0, "", 0, 0, 0); my @todo = (); my ($start, $end) = (99999, 0); foreach (split(/\n/, $pasted)) { # 1 * T.u.C 17 43842 2578 next unless (/^\s*\d+/); my @arr = split(/\s+/, $_); if ($#arr >= 5) { if ($arr[0] > 0) { $place = shift @arr; $start = $place if ($place < $start); $end = $place if ($place > $end); shift @arr; pop @arr; $points = pop @arr; $members = pop @arr; $ally = join(" ", @arr); push(@todo, "insert into $uni{'name'}_allystats set ally='$ally', members='$members', points='$points', date=curdate(), place='$place';"); $valid++; } } else { #print "Fehler beim parsen der Zeile: ".join(" ", @arr)."<br>\n" if (@arr != ()); } } $sth = $dbh->prepare("delete from $uni{'name'}_allystats where place>=? and place<=? and date=curdate();"); $sth->execute($start, $end); $sth = $dbh->do($_) foreach (@todo); $template->param(TMP => "Es konnten $valid Zeilen benutzt werden (Plätze $start - $end)."); } }
1 2 3 4 5 6
elsif (/^\d+\t(.*)\t\t.*?\t\s*(\d+)\t\s*([0-9:]+)\s*\t/) { # opera #10 Julia Drohne 35098 7:88:4 2006-03-31 31:39 On ($player, $points, $koo) = ($1, $2, $3); # print 'found2 ($player, $points, $koo) ='." ($1, $2, $3)<br>"; }
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
elsif (/^\d+\t(.*)\t\t.*?\t\s*(\d+)\t\s*\[([0-9:]+)\]\s*\t/) { # opera #10 Julia Drohne 35098 7:88:4 2006-03-31 31:39 On ($player, $points, $koo) = ($1, $2, $3); $points =~ s/\.//g; # print 'found2 ($player, $points, $koo) ='." ($1, $2, $3)<br>"; }
$points = pop @arr;
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
foreach $line (@lines) { my ($ally, $planet_name, $player) = ('', '', ''); my ($planet, $moon, $idle, $disabled) = (0, 0, 0, 0); ($galaxy, $system) = ($1, $2) if ($line =~ /$ssystem\s(\d+):(\d+)/); if ($line =~ /^(\d+)\s\t\t(.*?)\s\tMond\s\(Gr.*?(\d+)\)\s\t\t(.*?)\s\t(.*?)\s\tSpionieren/) { #11 Imperators Palace Mond (Grö 7416) TLL L.o.D Spionieren Nachricht schreiben Buddyanfrage ($planet, $planet_name, $moon, $player, $ally) = ($1, $2, 1, $4, $5); print "$planet: match0 firefox - Mond: $3<br>" if ($debug); } elsif ($line =~ /^(\d+)\s\t\t(.*?)\s\t\t\t(.*?)\s\t(.*?)\s\tSpionieren/) { #5 EARTH OF DEATH 7 deathking B.H.H. Spionieren Nachricht schreiben Buddyanfrage ($planet, $planet_name, $moon, $player, $ally) = ($1, $2, 0, $3, $4); print "$planet: match1 firefox/opera, no moon - $planet_name<br>" if ($debug); } elsif ($line =~ /^(\d+)\s\t\t(.*?)\s\tMond\s\(Gr.*?(\d+)\)\s\t\t(.*?)\s\t(.*?)\s/) { #5 Masters of Puppets Mond (Grö 7416) MetaIIica XCT ($planet, $planet_name, $moon, $player, $ally) = ($1, $2, 1, $4, $5); print "$planet: match0 firefox - Mond: $3<br>" if ($debug); } elsif ($line =~ /^(\d+)\s\t\t(.*?)\s\t\t\t(.*?)\s\t(.*?)\s/) { #5 Justice for All MetaIIica XCT ($planet, $planet_name, $moon, $player, $ally) = ($1, $2, 0, $3, $4); print "$planet: match1 firefox/opera, no moon - $planet_name<br>" if ($debug); } elsif ($line =~ /^(\d+)\s\t\t(.*?)\s\t\t\t(.*?)\s\t\tSpionieren/) { #5 kol 174 Little Destroyer (i g I u) Spionieren Nachricht schreiben Buddyanfrage ($planet, $planet_name, $moon, $player, $ally) = ($1, $2, 0, $3, ""); print "$planet: match2 firefox, no moon, no ally - $planet_name<br>" if ($debug); } elsif ($line =~ /^(\d+)\s+($destroyed)\s+/) { $planet = $1; print "$planet: Zerstörter Planet<br>" if ($debug); } elsif ($line =~ /^(\d+)\s+$/) { $planet = $1; print "$planet: nicht kolonisiert<br>" if ($debug); } elsif ($line =~ /(\d+)\t(Unendliche Weiten)/) { #16 Unendliche Weiten print "$1: $2<br>" if ($debug); } $planet_name =~ s/\s\(.*//; if ($player =~ /\(([a-z]+)\)$/i) { my $state = $1; $idle = 1 if ($state =~ /i/); $idle = 2 if ($state =~ /iI/); $disabled = 1 if ($state =~ /g/); $player =~ s/\(([a-z]+)\)$//i; } $player =~ s/\s*\(.*//; if ($planet != 0) { next if (($galaxy eq "") || ($system eq "")); $planetsok++; push(@query, "insert into $uni{'name'}_psm values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, NOW(), ?, ?, ?);"); push(@vals, $galaxy, $system, $planet, $planet_name, $ally, $player, $idle, $disabled, $moon); } }
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
elsif ($line =~ /^(\d+)\s\t\t(.*?)\s\tMond\s\(Gr.*?(\d+)\)\s\t\t(.*?)\s\t(.*?)\s\tSpiobericht ansehen\s\tSpionieren/) { #4 Geiler Macker Mond (Größe: 7000) non K1 Spiobericht ansehen Spionieren Nachricht schreiben Buddyanfrage ($planet, $planet_name, $moon, $player, $ally) = ($1, $2, 1, $4, $5); print "$planet: match0 firefox - Mond: $3<br>" if ($debug); } elsif ($line =~ /^(\d+)\s\t\t(.*?)\s\t\t\t(.*?)\s\t(.*?)\s\tSpiobericht ansehen\s\tSpionieren/) { # 4 Krypton (*) GroundZero UCE Spiobericht ansehen Spionieren Nachricht schreiben Buddyanfrage ($planet, $planet_name, $moon, $player, $ally) = ($1, $2, 0, $3, $4); print "$planet: match1 firefox/opera, no moon - $planet_name<br>" if ($debug); }
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