foreach $line (@lines) { my ($ally, $planet_name, $player) = ('', '', ''); my ($planet, $moon, $idle, $disabled) = (0, 0, 0, 0); ($galaxy, $system) = ($1, $2) if ($line =~ /$ssystem\s(\d+):(\d+)/); if ($line =~ /^(\d+)\s\t\t(.*?)\s\tMond\s\(Gr.*?(\d+)\)\s\t\t(.*?)\s\t(.*?)\s\tSpionieren/) { #11 Imperators Palace Mond (Grö 7416) TLL L.o.D Spionieren Nachricht schreiben Buddyanfrage ($planet, $planet_name, $moon, $player, $ally) = ($1, $2, 1, $4, $5); print "$planet: match0 firefox - Mond: $3
" if ($debug); } elsif ($line =~ /^(\d+)\s\t\t(.*?)\s\t\t\t(.*?)\s\t(.*?)\s\tSpionieren/) { #5 EARTH OF DEATH 7 deathking B.H.H. Spionieren Nachricht schreiben Buddyanfrage ($planet, $planet_name, $moon, $player, $ally) = ($1, $2, 0, $3, $4); print "$planet: match1 firefox/opera, no moon - $planet_name
" if ($debug); } elsif ($line =~ /^(\d+)\s\t\t(.*?)\s\tMond\s\(Gr.*?(\d+)\)\s\t\t(.*?)\s\t(.*?)\s/) { #5 Masters of Puppets Mond (Grö 7416) MetaIIica XCT ($planet, $planet_name, $moon, $player, $ally) = ($1, $2, 1, $4, $5); print "$planet: match0 firefox - Mond: $3
" if ($debug); } elsif ($line =~ /^(\d+)\s\t\t(.*?)\s\t\t\t(.*?)\s\t(.*?)\s/) { #5 Justice for All MetaIIica XCT ($planet, $planet_name, $moon, $player, $ally) = ($1, $2, 0, $3, $4); print "$planet: match1 firefox/opera, no moon - $planet_name
" if ($debug); } elsif ($line =~ /^(\d+)\s\t\t(.*?)\s\t\t\t(.*?)\s\t\tSpionieren/) { #5 kol 174 Little Destroyer (i g I u) Spionieren Nachricht schreiben Buddyanfrage ($planet, $planet_name, $moon, $player, $ally) = ($1, $2, 0, $3, ""); print "$planet: match2 firefox, no moon, no ally - $planet_name
" if ($debug); } elsif ($line =~ /^(\d+)\s+($destroyed)\s+/) { $planet = $1; print "$planet: Zerstörter Planet
" if ($debug); } elsif ($line =~ /^(\d+)\s+$/) { $planet = $1; print "$planet: nicht kolonisiert
" if ($debug); } elsif ($line =~ /(\d+)\t(Unendliche Weiten)/) { #16 Unendliche Weiten print "$1: $2
" if ($debug); } $planet_name =~ s/\s\(.*//; if ($player =~ /\(([a-z]+)\)$/i) { my $state = $1; $idle = 1 if ($state =~ /i/); $idle = 2 if ($state =~ /iI/); $disabled = 1 if ($state =~ /g/); $player =~ s/\(([a-z]+)\)$//i; } $player =~ s/\s*\(.*//; if ($planet != 0) { next if (($galaxy eq "") || ($system eq "")); $planetsok++; push(@query, "insert into $uni{'name'}_psm values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, NOW(), ?, ?, ?);"); push(@vals, $galaxy, $system, $planet, $planet_name, $ally, $player, $idle, $disabled, $moon); } }