if ($parse_stats == 1) { my $pasted = $cgi->param('pasted'); if ($pasted eq "") { print '
dumm geklickt, was?

'; } else { # $sth = $dbh->prepare("delete from allystats where date=curdate();"); # $sth->execute; my ($place, $ally, $members, $points, $valid) = (0, "", 0, 0, 0); my @todo = (); my ($start, $end) = (99999, 0); foreach (split(/\n/, $pasted)) { # 1 * T.u.C 17 43842 2578 next unless (/^\s*\d+/); my @arr = split(/\s+/, $_); if ($#arr >= 5) { if ($arr[0] > 0) { $place = shift @arr; $start = $place if ($place < $start); $end = $place if ($place > $end); shift @arr; pop @arr; $points = pop @arr; $members = pop @arr; $ally = join(" ", @arr); push(@todo, "insert into $uni{'name'}_allystats set ally='$ally', members='$members', points='$points', date=curdate(), place='$place';"); $valid++; } } else { #print "Fehler beim parsen der Zeile: ".join(" ", @arr)."
\n" if (@arr != ()); } } $sth = $dbh->prepare("delete from $uni{'name'}_allystats where place>=? and place<=? and date=curdate();"); $sth->execute($start, $end); $sth = $dbh->do($_) foreach (@todo); $template->param(TMP => "Es konnten $valid Zeilen benutzt werden (Plätze $start - $end)."); } }