I 'm new to Perl and not be able to locate my problem exactly. I've searched but can't find the right solution.I hope here is a right place to post.
Env: Win2000(en) +ActivePerl 5.8+ Komodo
The trouble begins with special characters in German.
I want to copy a whole directory to another location , a prototype got no problem with direct writing paths of source and destination in program:
1) define $srcdir in perl-program
$srcdir in perl-program
like this:
use File::Find;
# there are directory d:\perl\source\test\öa and file d:\perl\source\test\öa\ü.txt under \test\
finddepth(\&check_and_copy, $srcdir);
# sub check_and_copy check the time of file/dir and only copy the updated file/dir to $dstdir
Then I wrote srcdir & dstdir in config.xml and use XML:Simple to read and got them in UTF8 format but nothing is copied!
2) define $srcdir in xml
$dstdir in xml
Komodo shows that first $_ in "finddepth" is "d:\perl\source\test\öa" (ö in Hex)
There are someting not correct: it should be "d:\perl\source\test\öa\ü.txt" by depth first search( just like in 1) )
Then I run the Program under Dos, it shows a warning: "Can't cd to <d:\perl\source\test/> öa ..." (here ö can't display correctly")
--Is there something wrong in File::Find with utf8 or with utf8 under win2k?
--Or it depends on somethings else?
I made some tests but I can't understand the results well.
3) define $srcdir in perl-program
$dstdir in xml
# the files is copied but the charater shows in Ascii format.
4) define $srcdir in perl-program and test
if(Encode::is_utf8($srcdir) ){
print " src is_utf8\n";
print " src is_NOT_utf8\n";
# I got "src is_NOT_utf8", I heared Perl use UTF8 internal. but it seems that's not so simple.
5).define $srcdir with "ö" in perl-program and use utf8
use utf8;
# I got "Malformed UTF-8 character (unexpected non-continuation byte 0x61, immediately after start byte 0xf6)"
--What 's the encoding of a Perl- program in Komodo?
--How can I got the encoding's name of a string?
--How can I got the right output for "ä, ö ,ü" in DOS? (I got correct character in Komodo with "binmode (STDOUT,"utf8");" )
Thanks for your attention!\n\n