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use CGI qw/:standard/; my $UploadDir = $TEMP_DIR; $CGI::POST_MAX=1024 * $MaxSize; my ($filename) = param('attachment') || "undefined"; my $serverFile = $UploadDir . "/" . (split(/[\\\/]/, param('attachment')))[-1]; # Datei umbenennen mit Zufallszahl $RandomID = sprintf("%d%d",time,rand(999999)); $serverFile =~ s-(.*?)\.(.*?)-$RandomID.Ū-g; my $tempfile = "$UploadDir/$serverFile"; # Testen ob die Extension erlaubt ist. $Extensions = '.gif .GIF .jpg .JPG .pdf .PDF .png .PNG .zip .ZIP'; # In der folgenden Zeile steckt wohl der Fehler... if (grep($serverFile,$Extensions,(split/\./,$_))) {&program_error("The extension of the file is not valid.");} if (-e $tempfile) {&program_error("File is already existing. $!");} else { my $buffer; open (FILE,">$tempfile"); #binmode(FILE); # Windows OS hack #binmode $filename; # Windows OS hack while (my $bytesread=read($filename,$buffer,1024)) {print FILE $buffer;} close (FILE); } chmod (0744, "$tempfile"); # Nur zum Test print "Content-type:text/html "; print "Upload succeed. "; exit;
if (grep($serverFile,$Extensions,(split/\./,$_))) {&program_error("The extension of the file is not valid.");}
if($serverFile !~ /^[a-z\.\-_]+?\.([a-z]{3})$/) {&bla;}
if (grep($serverFile,$Extensions,(split/\./,$_)))
# Testen ob die Extension erlaubt ist.
my @Extensions = ('gif', 'jpg', 'pdf', 'png', 'zip');
my $ext = (split /\./, $serverFile)[1];
program_error("The extension of the file is not valid.") unless grep /$ext/i, @Extensions;
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