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sub send_msg { my ( $self, $mac, $ucp_method, $arg_ref ) = @_; $arg_ref = {} unless ref($arg_ref) eq 'HASH'; croak('Must specify ucp_method') if !defined $ucp_method; my $encoded_mac; # use MAC_ZERO for discovery packets # Otherwise MAC must be specified if ( ( $ucp_method eq UCP_METHOD_DISCOVER ) or ( $ucp_method eq UCP_METHOD_ADV_DISCOVER ) ) { $encoded_mac = MAC_ZERO; } else { croak( 'Must specify mac address for $ucp_method_name->{$ucp_method} packets' ) if !defined $mac; $encoded_mac = encode_mac($mac); } my $msg_args = { ucp_method => $ucp_method, dst_mac => $encoded_mac, data_to_get => $arg_ref->{data_to_get}, data_to_set => $arg_ref->{data_to_set}, }; $msg_args->{src_ip} = $arg_ref->{src_ip} if $arg_ref->{src_ip}; my $msg_ref; eval { $msg_ref = Net::UDAP::MessageOut->new($msg_args) } or do { carp($@); return; }; my $sock = $self->socket; $sock->sockopt( SO_BROADCAST, 1 ); my $dest_ip = inet_ntoa(INADDR_BROADCAST); my $dest = pack_sockaddr_in( PORT_UDAP, INADDR_BROADCAST ); log( info => '*** Broadcasting ' . $ucp_method_name->{$ucp_method} . ' message to MAC address ' . decode_mac($encoded_mac) . " on $dest_ip\n" ); return $sock->send( $msg_ref->packed, 0, $dest ); }
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sub new { my ( $caller, $arg_ref ) = @_; my $class = ref $caller || $caller; # make sure $arg_ref is a hash ref $arg_ref = {} unless ref($arg_ref) eq 'HASH'; # make sure $arg_ref->{data_to_get} is an array ref $arg_ref->{data_to_get} = [] unless ref( $arg_ref->{data_to_get} ) eq 'ARRAY'; # make sure $arg_ref->{data_to_set} is a hash_ref $arg_ref->{data_to_set} = {} unless ref( $arg_ref->{data_to_set} ) eq 'HASH'; # values from $arg_ref over-write the defaults my %arg = ( %fields_default, %{$arg_ref} ); # A method must be specified, i.e. what type of packet is this? my $method = $arg{ucp_method}; ( ( defined($method) ) && ( exists $ucp_method_name->{$method} ) && ( $ucp_method_name->{$method} ) ) or do { croak('ucp_method invalid or not defined.'); }; # Set values and perform checks specific to each packet type SWITCH: { ( ( $method eq UCP_METHOD_DISCOVER ) or ( $method eq UCP_METHOD_ADV_DISCOVER ) ) && do { # Set values specific to discovery packets $arg{dst_broadcast} = BROADCAST_ON; $arg{dst_mac} = MAC_ZERO; croak( 'Must specify IP address for ' . $ucp_method_name->{$method} . ' msgs.' ) unless $arg{src_ip}; last SWITCH; }; # Mac address must be specified for all remaining method types if ( !defined $arg{dst_mac} ) { croak( 'Must specify dst_mac MAC address for ' . $ucp_method_name->{$method} . ' msgs.' ); } ( $method eq UCP_METHOD_GET_IP ) && do { # nothing further to do for get_ip last SWITCH; }; ( $method eq UCP_METHOD_SET_IP ) && do { # The following data is required: # UCP_CODE_SET_IP (0x03) # IP address # Netmask # Gateway # DHCP_ON / DHCP_OFF # Ought to validate the supplied data here # Otherwise, nothing further to do. last SWITCH; }; ( $method eq UCP_METHOD_RESET ) && do { # Nothing more to do for reset method last SWITCH; }; ( $method eq UCP_METHOD_GET_DATA ) && do { # Ought to validate the requested data here # Otherwise, nothing further to do last SWITCH; }; ( $method eq UCP_METHOD_SET_DATA ) && do { # Should I validate any data here? last SWITCH; }; # default action if ucp_method value recognised croak( 'Invalid ucp_method: ' . bytes_to_hex( $method, 4 ) ); } my $self = bless {%arg}, $class; return $self; } sub packed { my $self = shift; # The first part of the msg is same for all msg types my $str .= $self->dst_broadcast; $str .= $self->dst_type; $str .= $self->dst_mac; # mac stored packed $str .= $self->src_broadcast; $str .= $self->src_type; $str .= $self->src_ip; $str .= $self->src_port; $str .= $self->seq; $str .= $self->udap_type; $str .= $self->ucp_flags; $str .= $self->ucp_class; my $method = $self->ucp_method; $str .= $method; SWITCH: { ( ( $method eq UCP_METHOD_DISCOVER ) or ( $method eq UCP_METHOD_ADV_DISCOVER ) or ( $method eq UCP_METHOD_GET_IP ) or ( $method eq UCP_METHOD_RESET ) ) && do { last SWITCH; }; ( $method eq UCP_METHOD_SET_IP ) && do { # IP Address, Netmask, Gateway my $dts = $self->data_to_set->{ip}; $str .= exists $dts->{ip} ? inet_aton( $dts->{ip} ) : IP_ZERO; $str .= exists $dts->{netmask} ? inet_aton( $dts->{netmask} ) : IP_ZERO; $str .= exists $dts->{gateway} ? inet_aton( $dts->{gateway} ) : IP_ZERO; $str .= exists $dts->{ip} ? DHCP_OFF : DHCP_ON; last SWITCH; }; ( $method eq UCP_METHOD_GET_DATA ) && do { $str .= $self->credentials; $str .= pack( 'n', scalar @{ $self->data_to_get } ) ; # no. of data items foreach my $param_name ( @{ $self->data_to_get } ) { if ( exists $field_offset_from_name->{$param_name} ) { $str .= pack( 'n', $field_offset_from_name->{$param_name} ); $str .= pack( 'n', $field_size_from_name->{$param_name} ); } else { log( warn => " Client param name [$param_name] not valid\n" ); } } last SWITCH; }; ( $method eq UCP_METHOD_SET_DATA ) && do { # set_data data is in the following format: # - credentials # - number of items # - repeating group of: # ( offset, data_length, data ) $str .= $self->credentials; # no. of items is count of number of keys in data_to_set hash my $data = $self->data_to_set; $str .= pack( 'n', scalar( keys %{$data} ) ); foreach my $pname ( keys %{$data} ) { $str .= pack( 'n', $field_offset_from_name->{$pname} ); my $packed_data = $field_pack_from_name->{$pname} ->( $data->{$pname} ); $str .= pack( 'n', length($packed_data) ); $str .= $packed_data; } last SWITCH; }; ( $method eq UCP_METHOD_SET_IP ) && do { # set_ip data is in the following format: # - ip address # - subnet mask # - gateway # - ip mode (DHCP or static) my $data = $self->data_to_set; foreach my $fieldname ( qw(lan_network_address lan_subnet_mask lan_gateway lan_ip_mode) ) { $str .= $field_pack_from_name->$data->{$fieldname} ->( $self->data_to_set->{$fieldname} ); } last SWITCH; }; log( error => ' msg method ' . $ucp_method_name->{$method} . " not implemented\n" ); return undef; } # print "packed msg in MessageOut.packed:\n" . HexDump( $str); return $str; } }
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use strict; use warnings; # Add the modules to the libpath use FindBin; use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../src/Net-UDAP/lib"; use version; our $VERSION = qv('1.0_01'); use vars qw( $AUTOLOAD ); # Keep 'use strict' happy use base qw(Class::Accessor); use Carp; use Data::Dumper; use Data::HexDump; use IO::Select; use IO::Socket::INET; use Net::UDAP::Client; use Net::UDAP::Constant; use Net::UDAP::Log; use Net::UDAP::MessageIn; use Net::UDAP::MessageOut; use Net::UDAP::Util; use Time::HiRes; my %field_default = ( socket => undef, device_hash => undef, # store devices in a hash ref local_ips => undef, # hash ref of local IPs ); __PACKAGE__->mk_accessors( keys %field_default );
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use strict; use warnings; use FindBin; use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../src/Net-UDAP/lib"; use version; our $VERSION = qv('1.0_01'); use vars qw( $AUTOLOAD ); # Keep 'use strict' happy use base qw(Class::Accessor); use Carp; use Data::Dumper; use Data::HexDump; use Net::UDAP::Constant; use Net::UDAP::Log; use Net::UDAP::Util; my %fields_default = ( # define fields and default values here dst_broadcast => BROADCAST_OFF, dst_type => DST_TYPE_ETH, dst_mac => undef, src_broadcast => BROADCAST_OFF, src_type => ADDR_TYPE_UDP, src_ip => IP_ZERO, src_port => PORT_ZERO, seq => pack( 'n', 0x0001 ), # unused udap_type => UDAP_TYPE_UCP, ucp_flags => pack( 'C', 0x01 ), # unused? ucp_class => UAP_CLASS_UCP, ucp_method => undef, credentials => pack( 'C32', 0x00 x 32 ), data_to_get => undef, # store data to get as an anon array of param names data_to_set => undef, # store data to set as an anon hash ); __PACKAGE__->mk_accessors( keys(%fields_default) );