Leser: 21
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sub ReadPOIData { open( IN, $go_POIFileName ) or die( "$go_POIFileName: $!" ); while( <IN> ) { chomp; my @tmp = split( /;/ ); # $g_POIRead{ lc($tmp[0]) } = $_; $g_POIRead{ lc($tmp[0]) } = [@tmp]; } close( IN ); }
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sub CheckNotInNeed { foreach my $found ( keys %g_POIRead ) { unless( $g_NeedKeys{ $found } ) { push( @g_POINewer, $found ); } } }
print join( "\n", @g_POINewer), "\n";
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foreach $schluessel (@g_POINewer) { print "Schluessel: ".$schluessel."\n"; my @value = $g_POIRead{ $schluessel }; print "Value0: ".@value(0)."\n"; print "Value1: ".@value(1)."\n"; print "Value2: ".@value(2)."\n"; print "Value3: ".@value(3)."\n"; print "Value4: ".@value(4)."\n"; }
Quotesyntax error at D:\DATEN\JAN\openstreetmap\Perl_4osm\POI-Abgleich poi-check.pl line 135, near "@value("
syntax error at D:\DATEN\JAN\openstreetmap\Perl_4osm\POI-Abgleich\poi-check.pl line 136, near "@value("
syntax error at D:\DATEN\JAN\openstreetmap\Perl_4osm\POI-Abgleich\poi-check.pl line 137, near "@value("
syntax error at D:\DATEN\JAN\openstreetmap\Perl_4osm\POI-Abgleich\poi-check.pl line 138, near "@value("
syntax error at D:\DATEN\JAN\openstreetmap\Perl_4osm\POI-Abgleich\poi-check.pl line 139, near "@value("
Execution of D:\DATEN\JAN\openstreetmap\Perl_4osm\POI-Abgleich\poi-check.pl aborted due to compilation errors.