Thread Arrayref aus Skalar-Rückgabewert (20 answers)
Opened by pktm at 2004-08-10 22:28

 2004-08-11 11:10
#85677 #85677
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[quote=pktm,10.08.2004, 20:28]Ich habe eine Sub die mir was zurück gibt.
Das kann wahlweise ein Skalar oder ein Arrayref sein.

Die Sub ist my $results->invalid() aus dem Modul Data::FormValidator (vgl. Data::FormValidator::Results)[/quote]
aus der doku:
invalid( [field] )

In an array context, it returns the list of fields which contains invalid value.

In a scalar context, it returns an hash reference which contains the invalid fields as keys, and references to arrays of failed constraints as values.

If called with an argument, it returns the reference to an array of failed constraints for field.

also hast du einen eindeutigen rückgabewert.
my @array = $results->invalid;
my $hashref = $results->invalid;
my $arrayref = $results->invalid('field');
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