Thread Arrays und Hashs (15 answers)
Opened by jan10001 at 2004-07-26 10:48

 2004-07-26 12:08
#84933 #84933
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[quote=betterworld,26.07.2004, 10:00]
oh oh oh oh
Man sollte sich eigentlich nicht darauf verlassen, dass keys und values beides Male die gleiche Reihenfolge liefern.[/quote]
doch, das kann man:
perldoc -f values:
"The values are returned in an apparently random
order.  The actual random order is subject to
change in future versions of perl, but it is guar-
anteed to be the same order as either the "keys"
or "each" function would produce on the same
(unmodified) hash.
edit: da warst du wohl schneller =)\n\n

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