# catalog.pl
# Version: 1.08
# Date: 04/30/2004
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# In accordance with the GNU General Public License (GPL):
# - You may not use and/or distribute this code under a proprietary license!
# - You either may not distribute parts of this code under a proprietary license too!
# - The following copyright notice and the further following copyright notices of this
# software, MUST remain UNCHANGED and INTACT!
# Copyright (2004) by Dieter Werner
# http://www.interwer.com
# eMail: [EMAIL=hdw@interwer.com]hdw@interwer.com[/EMAIL]
# All rights reserved by the author.
# OK - here we go ...
# Use-Section
use strict;
use warnings;
# Setup-Section
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
$| = 1;
my $catalog = {};
# The Categories
# This will be the content of a text file.
my $categories = <<EO_CAT;
'15 Zoll',
'17 Zoll',
'19 Zoll',
'20 Zoll',
'15 Zoll',
'17 Zoll',
'19 Zoll',
'20 Zoll',
'up to 300 MHz',
'up to 600 MHz',
'up to 900 MHz',
'up to 300 MHz',
'up to 600 MHz',
'up to 900 MHz',
'up to 300 MHz',
'up to 600 MHz',
'up to 900 MHz',
['Operating Systems',
# Only for Testing the Subroutine.
# Convert array to hash
# and print the list of categories ...
$categories = do 'categories.ini' || [eval $categories]; # Hi Randal;-))
) foreach (0 .. $#$categories);
# Print it out
foreach (sort keys %$catalog) {
print $_, ' => ', $catalog->{$_}->[0];
print '<br>Parent: ', $catalog->{$_}->[1] if $catalog->{$_}->[1];
print '<br>';
$catalog->{$_}->[2] && do {
my @childs = @{$catalog->{$_}}[2 .. $#{$catalog->{$_}}];
my $childs = join ' | ', @childs;
print 'Childs: ', $childs, '<hr>';
sub get_index {
my ($cnt, $cat, $catalog) = @_;
my (@sub_cat, @parent, @index);
local $_;
# Dump Sub-Categories
# Get index, parent, child(ren) of each Sub-Category
my $dump = sub {
my (
) = @_;
my $cnt = $#$index;
my $prev_last = $index->[-1];
local $_;
($cat->[0] and !ref $cat->[0]) && push @$sub_cat, $cat->[0];
foreach (0 .. $#$cat) {
ref $cat->[$_]
? do {
pop @$sub_cat;
pop @$index;
: do {
$_ == 0
? do {
@$parent = (
@$index[0 .. ($cnt - 1)],
$#$index < 2
? (
@$index = (
: do {
@$index = (
@$index[0 .. ($cnt - 1)],
$prev_last, $_
: do {
@$parent = (@$parent[0 .. ($cnt - 1)], 0);
$#$index < 2
? (@$index = (@$index[0 .. 1], $_))
: (@$index = (@$index[0 .. $cnt], $_));
my $index = join '_', @$index;
my $parent = join '_', @$parent;
my $the_cat = join "/", (
@$sub_cat[0 .. ($#$sub_cat - 1)],
# Add the Title and the Parent
$catalog->{$index} = [
# Add the found Child
push @{$catalog->{$parent}}, $index;
# Dump Main-Categories
# Get the index of each Main-Category
foreach (0 .. $#$cat) {
ref $cat->[$_]
? do {
pop @sub_cat,
pop @index;
: do {
push @sub_cat, $cat->[$_];
@index = ($cnt, $_);
@parent = @index;
$catalog->{join('_', @index)} = [
join("/", (@sub_cat[0 .. ($#sub_cat - 1)], $cat->[$_])),