# catalog.pl
# Version: 1.03
# Date: 08/09/2002
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
use strict;
use warnings;
our %category;
my $categories = [
['Foo', 'Bar']
['Foo', 'Bar']
['Handy used',
['C25', 'C35', 'Other']
['5130', '7710', '8810', 'Other']
['GD90', 'GD91', 'GD92']
['Handy unused',
['GD90', 'GD91', 'GD92']
['C25', 'C35', 'Other']
['5130', '7710', '8810', 'Other']
['15 Zoll', '17 Zoll', '19 Zoll', '20 Zoll']
['15 Zoll', '17 Zoll', '19 Zoll', '20 Zoll']
['up to 300 MHz', 'up to 600 MHz', 'up to 900 MHz']
['up to 300 MHz', 'up to 600 MHz', 'up to 900 MHz']
['up to 300 MHz', 'up to 600 MHz', 'up to 900 MHz']
['Operating Systems',
['Windows', 'Linux']
['Office-Software', 'Internet-Software', 'Games']
# Convert array to hash
# and print a list of categories ...
print "<hr>This is reading from array and printing from hash<hr>";
foreach (sort keys %category) {
print "$category{$_}<br>";
# Alternative:
# Read from array
# and print a list of all categories ...
print "<hr>This is reading and printing from Array<hr>";
my @category = dump_categories($categories);
print "$_ <br>" for @category;
# Dump Main-Categories
sub dump_categories {
my $catalog = shift;
my ($category, $main_cat, $show_cat);
while ($#$catalog >= 0) {
$category = shift @$catalog;
while ($#$category >= 0) {
$main_cat = shift @$category;
if (ref $main_cat) {
dump_subcat($main_cat, $show_cat, \@category);
else {
$show_cat = $main_cat;
push @category, $show_cat;
sort @category;
# Dump Sub-Categories
sub dump_subcat {
my ($sub_main, $show_cat, $catalog) = @_;
my $sub_cat;
while ($#$sub_main >= 0) {
$sub_cat = shift @$sub_main;
if (ref $sub_cat) {
dump_subcat($sub_cat, $show_cat, $catalog);
else {
$show_cat .= " >> $sub_cat";
push @$catalog, $show_cat;
$show_cat =~ s/(\>\>\s$sub_cat)$// unless ref $sub_main->[0];
# Dump Categories as a hash
sub dump_hash_categories {
my ($cat, @sub_cat) = @_;
push @sub_cat, $cat->[0] if $cat->[0] and !ref $cat->[0];
foreach my $sub_cat (@$cat) {
if (ref $sub_cat) {
dump_hash_categories($sub_cat, @sub_cat);
else {
$category{join("_", @sub_cat[0..($#sub_cat - 1)], $sub_cat)}
= join(" >> ", @sub_cat[0..($#sub_cat - 1)], $sub_cat);