#!C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\testuser\Desktop\xampp\xampp\perl\bin\perl.exe -w
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
use strict;
use HTML::TableExtract;
my $table; # table of interest
my $html_file = "http://www.securityfocus.com/bid"; # url of web site
my $te; # table extract
my $ts; # table search
my $row; # row of table of interest
my @securityfocus; # array
# Depth represents how deeply a table resides in other tables. The depth of a top-level
# table in the document is 0. A table within a top-level table has a depth of 1, and so
# on. Each depth can be thought of as a layer; tables sharing the same depth are on the
# same layer. Within each of these layers, Count represents the order in which a table
# was seen at that depth, starting with 0. Providing both a depth and a count will
# uniquely specify a table within a document -> the table of interest is on the second
# level (depth = 1), the first one (count = 0).
for(1..30000) {
my $table = $html_file."/".$_;
$te = HTML::TableExtract->new( depth => 1, count => 0 );
foreach $ts ($te->tables) {
print "Table found at ", join(',', $ts->coords), ":\n";
foreach $row ($ts->rows) {
print " ", join(',', @$row), "\n";
@securityfocus=("Bugtraq ID: \n","Class: \n","CVE: \n","Remote: \n","Local: \n",
"Published: \n","Updated: \n","Credit: \n","Vulnerable: \n","Not Vulnerable: \n");
print OUTPUTFILE @securityfocus;
while (<OUTPUTFILE>)
print " $_ \n";