#! /usr/bin/perl
use warnings;
use strict;
use CGI ();
use HTML::Entities();
use Regexp::Common qw(balanced);
use URI::Find::Schemeless ();
$| = 1; # no suffering from buffering
use vars qw(%TagsBlocked %TagsFastReplace %TagsLastReplace $HighlightBin);
# use external program from
# http://gnu.j1b.org/software/src-highlite/source-highlight.html
$HighlightBin = 'E:\apps\gnu\src-highlight\bin\source-highlight.exe';
# tags within which no further replacements should be done
# better replacing the font stuff by CSS
%TagsBlocked = (
perle => {
-start => qq~<br><b>PERL:</b>
<table border="0" width="95%" cellpadding="8"><tr><td bgcolor="dddddd">
<font face="Courier New, Courier, mono">~,
-end => qq~</font></td></tr></table>~,
-string => \&HighlightPerlCode,
code => {
-start => qq~<br><b>CODE:</b>
<table border="0" width="95%" cellpadding="4"><tr><td bgcolor="dddddd">
<font face="Courier New, Courier, mono">~,
-end => qq~</font></td></tr></table>~,
-string => sub { return $_[0] },
perldoc => {
-start => "",
-end => "",
-string => sub {
return qq~ <a href="http://url/$_[0]">perldoc $_[0]</a> ~;
# tags to be replaced on the fly
%TagsFastReplace = (
b => {
-start => "<b>",
-end => "</b>",
-string => sub { return $_[0] },
i => {
-start => "<i>",
-end => "</i>",
-string => sub { return $_[0] },
# tags that may be recursive or containing other tags
%TagsLastReplace = (
quote => {
-start =>
qq~<div align="center"><table border="1" width="95%"><tr><td>~,
-end => qq~</td></tr></table></div>~,
-string => sub { return $_[0] },
local $/; # slurp in data
my $posting = <DATA>;
# ------------------------------------------------------------
sub ParseText {
my ($text) = @_;
$text = &CGI::escapeHTML($text);
$text =~ s/\n/<br>\n/g; # replace newlines by <br>
my @scanned = ();
# extract and replace %TagsBlocked
foreach my $tag ( keys %TagsBlocked ) {
# @scanned yet empty, start with $text
unless ( scalar(@scanned) ) {
@scanned = &PostFilterBlocked( $text, $tag );
} # unless
# @scanned filled, start scanning the rest
else {
my @scanned2 = (); # temporary variable
foreach (@scanned) {
# skip already scanned parts
push ( @scanned2, $_ ), next if ref($_);
# scan only if scalar
push ( @scanned2, &PostFilterBlocked( $_, $tag ) );
} # foreach
@scanned = @scanned2;
} # else
} # foreach
# replace %TagsFastReplace
foreach my $tag ( keys %TagsFastReplace ) {
# @scanned yet empty, start with $text
unless ( scalar(@scanned) ) {
@scanned = &PostFilterFastReplace( $text, $tag );
} # unless
# @scanned filled, start scanning the rest
else {
my @scanned2 = (); # temporary variable
foreach (@scanned) {
# skip already scanned parts
push ( @scanned2, $_ ), next if ref($_);
# scan only if scalar
push ( @scanned2, &PostFilterFastReplace( $_, $tag ) );
} # foreach
@scanned = @scanned2;
} # else
} # foreach
# prepare finder sub for replacing URIs in Text with HTML-Links
my $uriFinder = URI::Find::Schemeless->new(
sub {
return qq~<a href=\"~
. &HTML::Entities::encode_entities("$_[0]")
. qq~\" target="_blank">~
. &HTML::Entities::encode_entities( $_[1] ) . '</a>';
# replace URIs in Text with HTML-Links
ref($_) or $uriFinder->find( \$_ ) foreach @scanned;
# build string and replace code/perl/...-tags with [\0\0$tag]
# to prevent further parsing
my $string = join (
map {
? map {
my $r = $_;
$r =~ s/(\[)(.+\])/$1."\0\0".$2/gse;
} values( %{$_} )
: $_;
} @scanned
# replace stuff that might contain other tags (like quote)
foreach my $tag ( keys %TagsLastReplace ) {
$string = &PostFilterLastReplace( $string, $tag );
} # foreach
$string =~ s/\0\0//g; # remove \0\0 (from [\0\0$tag])
print "\n\n", $string;
} # ParseText
# ------------------------------------------------------------
sub PostFilterBlocked {
my ( $text, $tag ) = @_;
my $startLength = length("[$tag]");
my $endLength = length("[/$tag]");
my @scanned = ();
my $startPos = index( $text, "[$tag]" );
my $lastPos = 0;
print "\nScanning for tag [$tag]";
while ( $startPos != -1 ) {
print " $startPos";
# add leading part to @scanned
my $string = substr( $text, $lastPos, $startPos - $lastPos );
push ( @scanned, $string ) if length $string;
# check if [$tag]...[/$tag]-block found
$lastPos = index( $text, "[/$tag]", $startPos + $startLength );
print "-$lastPos";
unless ( $lastPos == -1 ) { # if found
# push reference to @scanned: { $tag => $string }
my $string = substr(
$startPos + $startLength,
$lastPos - $startPos - $startLength
$string =~ s/^\r?\n//g;
$string =~ s/\r?\n$//g;
# replace tags with replacement
$string =
$TagsBlocked{ lc($tag) }->{ -start }
. $TagsBlocked{ lc($tag) }->{ -string }->($string)
. $TagsBlocked{ lc($tag) }->{ -end };
# add to queue as reference
push ( @scanned, { $tag => $string } ) unless $string =~ /^\s*$/;
} # if
else { # if not found
# push rest of $text to @scanned (as string)
my $string = substr( $text, $startPos, length($text) - $startPos );
# if last line was in @TagsBlocked, add new array element
if ( ref $scanned[-1] ) {
push ( @scanned, $string ) if length $string;
# if not, append as text to the last element
else {
$scanned[-1] .= $string;
} # else
last; # and exit while
} # else
# (re-)initialize next search position
$lastPos += $endLength;
# search for next [tag]
$startPos = index( $text, "[$tag]", $lastPos );
} # while
# care for rest of $text
if ( $lastPos != -1 ) {
my $string = substr( $text, $lastPos, length($text) - $lastPos );
push ( @scanned, $string ) if length($string);
} # if
return @scanned;
} # PostFilterBlocked
# ------------------------------------------------------------
sub PostFilterFastReplace {
my ( $text, $tag ) = @_;
print "\nScanning for tag [$tag]";
my $startLength = length("[$tag]");
my $endLength = length("[/$tag]");
my @scanned = ();
while (
$text =~ s/
$TagsFastReplace{lc($tag)}->{-start} .
$TagsFastReplace{lc($tag)}->{-string}->($1) .
} # while
return $text;
} # PostFilterFastReplace
# ------------------------------------------------------------
sub PostFilterLastReplace {
my ( $string, $tag ) = @_;
print "\nScanning for tag [$tag]";
my $startLength = length("[$tag]");
my $endLength = length("[/$tag]");
1 while $string =~ s!
$RE{balanced}{-begin => "[$tag]"}{-end => "[/$tag]"}{-keep}
$TagsLastReplace{lc($tag)}->{-start} .
(substr ($1, $startLength, -$endLength) ) .
return ($string);
} # PostFilterLastReplace
# ------------------------------------------------------------
sub HighlightPerlCode {
my $code = shift;
use Perl::Tidy;
my @dest;
source => \$code,
destination => \@dest,
# argv => '-html',
return join ( "", @dest );
} # HighlightPerlCode
# ------------------------------------------------------------
Hallo Leute,
[b]das[/b] ist [i]mein [b]erstes[/i] Posting:
[perldoc]CGI[/perldoc] oder so.
[perle]#! /usr/bin/perl
use warnings;
use strict;
use CGI ();
my $cgi = CGI->new();[/perle]
und das[/b] ist was anderes:
[perle]#! /usr/bin/perl
use warnings;
use strict;
use CGI ();
my $cgi = CGI->new();
my $string = "[perldoc]CGI[/perldoc]";[/perle]
[quote]Strat, 12.08.2003 14:04
[URL=ftp://ftp.gnu.org/]ftp://ftp.gnu.org/[/URL] ftp.gnu.org
Quoting Level 1
Quoting Level 2
[perle]#! /usr/bin/perl
@list = (1..30);
foreach (0..$#list) {
print "$list[$_]";
Quoting Level 1 www.fabiani.net