Thread Problem mit ImageMagick und Perl Modulen (10 answers)
Opened by Gast at 2004-05-11 11:36

Gast Gast
 2004-05-11 11:36
#48755 #48755

ich betreibe einen Linuxrootserver auf dem ich eine Anwendung laufe habe die ImageMagick benötigt. ImageMagick läuft soweit auch super nur wenn man über ein Perlscript, das resize benutzt, ein Bild hochladen möchte kommt folgende Fehlermeldung:

Software error:
Unable to get Terminal Size. The TIOCGWINSZ ioctl didn't work. The COLUMNS and LINES environment variables didn't work. The resize program didn't work. at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/i686-linux/Term/ line 343.
Compilation failed in require at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/Term/ReadLine/ line 58.

For help, please send mail to the webmaster ([no address given]), giving this error message and the time and date of the error.

Ausschnitt aus der
if(@results<4) {
my($prog) = "resize";

# Workaround for Solaris path sillyness
if(-f "/usr/openwin/bin/resize") { $prog = "/usr/openwin/bin/resize"}

my($resize) = scalar(`$prog 2>/dev/null`);
if(defined $resize and ($resize =~ /COLUMNS\s*=\s*(\d+)/ or
$resize =~ /setenv\s+COLUMNS\s+'?(\d+)/)) {
$results[0] = $1;
if( $resize =~ /LINES\s*=\s*(\d+)/ or
$resize =~ /setenv\s+LINES\s+'?(\d+)/) {
$results[1] = $1;
@results[2,3] = (0,0);
} else {
@results = ();
} else {
@results = ();
push(@fail,"resize program");

if(@results<4) {
die "Unable to get Terminal Size.".join("", map(" The $_ didn't work.",@fail));

Ausschnitt aus der

if (!@_) {
if (!defined $term) {
($IN,$OUT) = Term::ReadLine->findConsole();
open(IN,"<$IN") || croak "Cannot open $IN for read";
open(OUT,">$OUT") || croak "Cannot open $OUT for write";
$readline::term_IN = \*IN;
$readline::term_OUT = \*OUT;
} else {
if (defined $term and ($term->IN ne $_[0] or $term->OUT ne $_[1]) ) {
croak "Request for a second readline interface with different terminal";
$readline::term_IN = shift;
$readline::term_OUT = shift;
eval {require Term::ReadLine::readline}; die $@ if $@;
# The following is here since it is mostly used for perl input:
# $readline::rl_basic_word_break_characters .= '-:+/*,[])}';
$term = bless [$readline::term_IN,$readline::term_OUT];
unless ($ENV{PERL_RL} and $ENV{PERL_RL} =~ /\bo\w*=0/) {
local $Term::ReadLine::termcap_nowarn = 1; # With newer Perls
local $SIG{} = sub {}; # With older Perls

Die Zeilen in Bold sind die Fehlerzeilen.
Ich suche jetzt schon seit Tagen per Google nach einer Lösung konnte aber nichts finden. Ich hoffe jemand von euch kann mir weiterhelfen, danke.


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