1. shebang (d.h. der pfad zu perl) spielt fuer den IIS keine Rolle
2. die doku von Activestate sagt folgendes:
QuoteHow do I configure IIS 6 to support Perl?
To configure ActivePerl to work with IIS 6 on Windows 2003:
Load the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager applet from Window's Administrative Tools menu.
Select the desired system, then select Web Service Extensions. Click Add new Web service extension.
Enter a descriptive Extension name (such as "Perl CGI"), then enter the following string in the Required files field:
C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe "%s" %s
As necessary, modify the path to the Perl executable on the selected system. Check Set extension status to Allowed. Click OK.
Expand the Web Sites folder in the IIS Manager and right-click Default Web Site. Select New | Virtual Directory.... Use the wizard to specify the location of your Perl CGI programs. On the Access Permissions page, ensure that Read, Run scripts and Execute are enabled.
Right-click the new virtual directory and select Properties. On the Mappings tab of the Application Configuration page, ensure that ".pl" extensions are mapped to the Perl interpreter specified above. (Enter the same string in the Executable Path field as shown in step 3.)
gehe das nochmal schritt fuer schritt durch, dann muesste es funktionieren (habe nur leider gerade keine kiste hier, auf der ich das mit IIS6 testen kann)
apropos: verwendest du .pl oder .cgi als endung? wenn .cgi, dann musst du auch .cgi Perl zuordnen...\n\n