#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
use Tk;
use Tk::TableMatrix;
require Tk::JBrowseEntry;
require Tk::DragDrop;
require Tk::DropSite;
use strict;
my $tm_array = {};
my $t;
my @drag = ();
my @drop = ();
my @pos = (0, 0);
my @old_pos = (0, 0);
sub switch_cells
if ($drag[0] == $drop[0]) # Selbe Zeile
if ($drag[1] >= 0) # Kein Titel
my $drag_coords = $drag[0].','.$drag[1];
my $drop_coords = $drop[0].','.$drop[1];
my $drag_val = $tm_array->{$drag_coords};
my $drop_val = $tm_array->{$drop_coords};
$t->set($drop_coords, $drag_val);
$tm_array->{$drop_coords} = $drag_val;
$t->set($drag_coords, $drop_val);
$tm_array->{$drag_coords} = $drop_val;
my $start_row = -3;
my $end_row = 50;
my $start_col = -1;
my $end_col = 50;
my $display_cols = 10;
my $display_rows = 10;
my $nr_rows = $end_row - $start_row + 1;
my $nr_cols = $end_col - $start_col + 1;
my $title_rows = ($start_row < 0) ? (abs($start_row)) : (0);
my $title_cols = ($start_col < 0) ? (abs($start_col)) : (0);
foreach my $row (($start_row - $title_rows)..4)
foreach my $col (($start_col - $title_cols)..$end_col)
$tm_array->{"$row,$col"} = "$row:$col";
my $top = MainWindow->new;
$top->bind( '<MouseWheel>', [ sub { $_[0]->yviewScroll(-($_[1]/120)*3, 'units'); }, Tk::Ev('D') ] );
$t = $top->Scrolled( 'TableMatrix',
-titlerows => $title_rows, -titlecols => $title_cols,
-rows => $nr_rows, -cols => $nr_cols,
-height => $display_rows, -width => $display_cols,
-variable => $tm_array,
-roworigin => $start_row,
-colorigin => $start_col,
-colstretchmode => 'none',
-rowstretchmode => 'none',
-selectmode => 'single',
-drawmode => 'fast',
-maxwidth => 800,
-maxheight => 600,
-rowheight => -20,
-colwidth => -200,
-resizeborders => 'none',
-sparsearray => 0,
-selecttitle => 0,
-state => 'disabled',
-font => ['Tahoma', 10, 'bold'],
-bg => '#D4D0C8',
-fg => '#000000'
$t->tagConfigure('Normal', -bg => '#D4D0C8', -fg => 'black');
$t->tagConfigure('DragSelected', -bg => '#EEEE11', -fg => 'black');
#$t->tagConfigure('DarkRed', -bg => '#881111', -fg => 'black');
#$t->tagConfigure('LightRed', -bg => '#EE9999', -fg => 'black');
#$t->tagConfigure('DarkGreen', -bg => '#118888', -fg => 'black');
#$t->tagConfigure('LightGreen', -bg => '#99EEEE', -fg => 'black');
my $cb_use = $t->Checkbutton( -text => 'nutzen' );
my @test_arr = ( 'TEXT', 'ZAHL', '#.## ¤', '#.## ¤ / # ¤', 'PLZ', 'TT.MM.JJJJ', 'TT.MM.JJ' );
my $test_var = $test_arr[0];
my $be_format = $t->JBrowseEntry( -label => '', -variable => \$test_var, -choices => \@test_arr,
-state => 'normal', -font => ['Tahoma', 8], -width => 10 );
my $lbl_hl = $top->Label(-text => "Headline");
$t->windowConfigure("-3,0", -window=>$cb_use);
$t->windowConfigure("-2,0", -window=>$be_format);
$t->windowConfigure("-1,0", -window=>$lbl_hl);
my $dragging = 0;
my $dragscroll_handler;
my $dragscroll_delay = 150;
my $dragspeed_delay = 50;
my $nr_repeated = 0;
my $speed_repeat = 10;
sub handle_dragscroll
if ($dragging == 0)
my ($x_scrollbar_width, $y_scrollbar_height) = (21, 21);
my ($mouse_x, $mouse_y) = $t->pointerxy;
my ($x_left, $x_right) = ($t->rootx, $t->rootx + $t->width);
my ($y_top, $y_bottom) = ($t->rooty, $t->rooty + $t->height);
my $x_scroll = ($mouse_x < ($x_left + $x_scrollbar_width)) ? (-1) : (($mouse_x < $x_right) ? (0) : (1));
my $y_scroll = ($mouse_y < $y_top) ? (-1) : (($mouse_y < ($y_bottom - $y_scrollbar_height)) ? (0) : (1));
if (($x_scroll) == 0 and ($y_scroll == 0))
$dragscroll_handler->time($dragscroll_delay) unless ($nr_repeated == 0);
$nr_repeated = 0;
$dragscroll_handler->time($dragspeed_delay) if ($nr_repeated >= $speed_repeat);
$t->xviewScroll($x_scroll, 'units');
$t->yviewScroll($y_scroll, 'units');
my ($dnd_t, $ds_t);
$dnd_t = $t->DragDrop( -event => '<B1-Motion>',
-sitetypes => [qw(Local)],
-startcommand => sub {
my @coords = split(",", $t->index('@'.($t->pointerx - $t->rootx).','.($t->pointery - $t->rooty)));
if (($coords[0] >= 0) and ($coords[1] >= 0))
$dragging = 1;
$dragscroll_handler = $top->repeat($dragscroll_delay, \&handle_dragscroll);
$t->tagCell('Normal', $drop[0].','.$drop[1]) if (@drop);
$t->tagCell('Normal', $drag[0].','.$drag[1]) if (@drag);
@drag = @coords;
@old_pos = @pos;
@pos = @drag;
$dnd_t->configure( -text => $tm_array->{$drag[0].','.$drag[1]} );
$t->tagCell('DragSelected', $drag[0].','.$drag[1]);
return 0;
{ return(1); }
} );
$dnd_t->bind('<ButtonRelease>', sub { $dragging = 0; } );
$ds_t = $t->DropSite ( -droptypes => ['Local'],
-dropcommand => sub {
$dragging = 0;
@drop = split(",", $t->index('@'.($t->pointerx - $t->rootx).','.($t->pointery - $t->rooty)));
@old_pos = @pos;
@pos = @drop;
$t->tagCell('Normal', $drag[0].','.$drag[1]);
$t->tagCell('DragSelected', $drop[0].','.$drop[1]);
} );
my $button = $top->Button( -text => 'Exit', -width => 135, -command => sub{ $top->destroy } );
$t->place( -x => 20, -y => 20 );
$button->place( -x => 20, -y => 260 );
$t->tagCell('DragSelected', $pos[0].','.$pos[1]);
sub change_position
my ($y, $x) = @_;
my @new_pos = ($pos[0] + $y, $pos[1] + $x);
return if (($new_pos[0] < 0) or ($new_pos[0] > $end_row) or ($new_pos[1] < 0) or ($new_pos[1] > $end_col));
$t->tagCell('Normal', $pos[0].','.$pos[1]);
$t->tagCell('DragSelected', $new_pos[0].','.$new_pos[1]);
@old_pos = @pos;
@pos = @new_pos;
$t->see(join(",", @pos));
$top->bind( '<KeyPress-Left>', sub { &change_position( 0, -1 ); } );
$top->bind( '<KeyPress-Right>', sub { &change_position( 0, 1 ); } );
$top->bind( '<KeyPress-Up>', sub { &change_position( -1, 0 ); } );
$top->bind( '<KeyPress-Down>', sub { &change_position( 1, 0 ); } );