Thread Scrollbars
(5 answers)
Opened by Gast at 2003-11-19 16:08
ReadTheFriendlyManual ;)
ELEMENTS A scrollbar displays five elements, which are referred to in the methods for the scrollbar: arrow1 The top or left arrow in the scrollbar. trough1 The region between the slider and arrow1. slider The rectangle that indicates what is visible in the associated widget. trough2 The region between the slider and arrow2. arrow2 The bottom or right arrow in the scrollbar. dh. wenn du die bindings für Mausklicks auf die beiden Pfeile und was du sonst noch brauchst änderst, sollte es gehen. sub z{if(@_){1while$x[$k=rand 10];t($t=$x[$k]=1)}print map"$z[$x[$_]]$_".($_%3?
"":"\n"),1..9}sub t{$j=0;$x[$_+1]==$t&&($j+=2**$_)for 0..8;z,die"Gewinner $z[$t] "if grep$_==($j&$_),7,56,73,84,146,273,292,448;z,die"Gleichstand\n"if@x>9&&!grep !$_,@x}@x=4;@z=qw{. [ (};z$^T&1;while(<>){next if$_>9||$x[$_];t$t=$x[$_]=2;z 1} |