Thread Tk und Subs (15 answers)
Opened by Froschpopo at 2005-04-05 13:14

 2005-04-07 19:17
#43296 #43296
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[quote=pKai,06.04.2005, 12:25][quote=Crian,06.April.2005, 01:31]Mit dem Modul (was übrigens ein Core-Modul ist) kannst Du die Schlüssel eines Hashes "abschließen".[/quote]
Aber nicht in 5.6, was F. anscheinend verwendet.
Hash::Util - A selection of general-utility hash subroutines


"Hash::Util" contains special functions for manipulating hashes that
don't really warrant a keyword.

By default "Hash::Util" does not export anything.

Restricted hashes
5.8.0 introduces the ability to restrict a hash to a certain set of
keys. No keys outside of this set can be added. It also introduces the
ability to lock an individual key so it cannot be deleted and the value
cannot be changed.
Was dennn "nicht"? Da steht doch genau was ich gesagt habe?!
s--Pevna-;s.([a-z]).chr((ord($1)-84)%26+97).gee; s^([A-Z])^chr((ord($1)-52)%26+65)^gee;print;

use strict; use warnings; Link zu meiner Perlseite

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