Quoteperldoc Tk::Entry
The validateCommand and invalidCommand are called with the
following arguments:
* The proposed value of the entry. If you are configuring
the entry widget to have a new textvariable, this will be
the value of that textvariable.
* The characters to be added (or deleted). This will be
"undef" if validation is due to focus, explcit call to
validate or if change is due to "-textvariable" changing.
* The current value of entry i.e. before the proposed
* index of char string to be added/deleted, if any. -1
* type of action. 1 == INSERT, 0 == DELETE, -1 if it's a
forced validation or textvariable validation
Danach ist $_[3] der Index des Zeichens das hinzugefuegt wird.
Jetzt hab ich aber gemerkt, das gibt Probleme, mir war naemlich so als waere das die Laenge des Textes (falsch in Erinnerung gehabt).
Aender den Code bitte so ab:
$mw->Entry(-validatecommand => sub { length $_[0] <= $maxlength},
Der ?: Teil war auch soooowas von ueberfluessig ;)\n\n
,,Das perlt aber heute wieder...'' -- Dittsche