#! /usr/bin/perl
use warnings;
use strict;
use 5.8.2;
use threads;
use threads::shared;
use Time::HiRes;
use Net::DNS;
use Getopt::Long ();
# declare some global variables
use vars qw( @Hosts %HostsResolved $RunThreads $ThreadsFinished $Verbose );
# share variables between threads
share $RunThreads;
share $ThreadsFinished;
share @Hosts;
share %HostsResolved;
# --- configuration
$Verbose = 0; # set to 1 if you want more output
$RunThreads = 0; # don't change this !!!
$ThreadsFinished = 0; # don't change this !!!
my $excelFile;
my $maxParallelThreads = 16; # how many parallel lookups (default: 16)
my $workSheetName = 1; # which worksheet shell I use?
my $startLine = 1; # start with first line
my $readColumn = 'A'; # first column
my $writeColumn = 'B'; # second column
my @dnsServer = (); # which DNS shell I use?
my $help = 0; # show help or not
# check program arguments
Getopt::Long::GetOptions( 'file=s' => \$excelFile,
'sheet=s' => \$workSheetName,
'line=i' => \$startLine,
'read=s' => \$readColumn,
'write=s' => \$writeColumn,
'threads=i' => \$maxParallelThreads,
'dns=s' => \@dnsServer,
'verbose' => \$Verbose,
'help' => \$help,
or die &PrintUsage();
&PrintUsage() if $help;
my $startTime = time;
# Startup $maxParallelThreads worker threads before loading Win32::OLE
# because Win32::OLE doesn't seem to be thread-safe.
# The threads are waiting until $RunThreads is set to a true value
my @threads = ();
my $hostsCount = scalar( @Hosts );
for my $i ( 1 .. $maxParallelThreads ) {
push( @threads, threads->create( \&DoNsLookup, \@dnsServer ) );
} # for
# now load Win32::OLE after having created the threads
require Win32::OLE;
Win32::OLE->Option( Warn => 3 );
my( $excel, $workbook, $worksheet, $lastRow ) =
&OpenExcelFile( $excelFile, $workSheetName );
print "Reading Excelfile: '$excelFile'\n";
printf "Using Worksheet: '%s'\n", $worksheet->{Name};
print "Last used Row: '$lastRow'\n";
print "Starting with line: '$startLine'\n";
print "Read IP-Adresses from column: '$readColumn'\n";
print "Writing DNS names to column: '$writeColumn'\n";
print "Maximum count of threads: '$maxParallelThreads'\n";
$excel->{Visible} = 1;
# build mapping table: unique ip address => arrayref of row IDs
my %ipAddresses = ();
my $ipAddressesCount = 0;
for my $row ( $startLine .. $lastRow ) {
my $ipAddress = $worksheet->Range( $readColumn . $row )->{Value};
next if $ipAddress =~ /^\s*$/; # skip empty lines
$ipAddress =~ s/^\s*//; $ipAddress =~ s/\s*$//;
push( @{ $ipAddresses{ $ipAddress } }, $row );
} # for
printf "Different IP4 adresses to resolve: '%d'\n", scalar keys %ipAddresses;
# build array of hosts to be able to shift
@Hosts = keys %ipAddresses;
# now "activate" the threads
{ lock $RunThreads; $RunThreads = 1; }
my $updateCount = 0;
while( 1 ) {
$updateCount +=
&WriteResultsToExcel( $worksheet, \%ipAddresses, $writeColumn );
# wait for all threads to finish, and do one last write to excel
Time::HiRes::usleep 100;
lock $ThreadsFinished;
if( $ThreadsFinished >= $maxParallelThreads ) {
print "### Final excel update\n" if $Verbose;
$updateCount +=
&WriteResultsToExcel( $worksheet, \%ipAddresses, $writeColumn );
} # if
} # while
# join the threads
foreach my $thread ( @threads ) {
} # foreach
printf "\nFinished after %d seconds\n", time - $startTime;
print "Found Hostnames: $updateCount from $ipAddressesCount\n";
# ------------------------------------------------------------
sub WriteResultsToExcel {
my( $worksheet, $ipAddresses, $writeColumn ) = @_;
my $updateCount = 0;
my @resolvedHosts = do {
lock %HostsResolved;
keys %HostsResolved;
foreach my $ipAddress ( @resolvedHosts ) {
next if $HostsResolved{$ipAddress} eq '';
foreach my $line( @{ $ipAddresses->{ $ipAddress } } ) {
my $hostname = $HostsResolved{$ipAddress};
my $field = join( '', $writeColumn, $line );
# printf "Updating Excel: '%s' => '%s' in field '%s'\n",
# $ipAddress, $hostname, $field;
$worksheet->Range( $field )->{Value} = $hostname;
} # foreach
# remove already updated host
lock %HostsResolved;
delete $HostsResolved{$ipAddress};
} # foreach
return $updateCount;
} # WriteResultsToExcel
# ------------------------------------------------------------
sub DoNsLookup {
my( $dnsServer ) = @_;
my $tid = threads->self->tid;
my $lookupCount = 0;
my %dnsOptions = ();
if( ref $dnsServer and scalar @$dnsServer ) {
$dnsOptions{nameservers} = $dnsServer;
} # if
my $resolver = Net::DNS::Resolver->new( %dnsOptions );
do { Time::HiRes::usleep 100 } until $RunThreads;
print "# Thread $tid begins with work\n";
for(;;) {
my $host = do { lock @Hosts;
scalar @Hosts ? shift( @Hosts ) : undef;
}; # do
# if there are no more ip addresses for lookup, finish thread
unless( defined $host ) {
print "# Thread '$tid' finished after $lookupCount lookups\n";
lock $ThreadsFinished;
} # unless
# do the reverse lookup
my $answer = $resolver->search( $host );
# write hostname to %HostsResolved
lock %HostsResolved;
unless( $answer ) {
$HostsResolved {$host} = '';
if( $Verbose ) {
printf "($tid/$lookupCount) failed:\t'%s'\t'%s' \n",
$host, $HostsResolved{$host};
} # if $Verbose
} # unless
else {
foreach my $rr ( $answer->answer ) {
next unless $rr->type eq 'PTR';
$HostsResolved { $host } = $rr->ptrdname;
if( $Verbose ) {
printf "($tid/$lookupCount) found:\t'%s'\t'%s'\n",
$host, $HostsResolved{$host};
} # if $Verbose
} # foreach
} # else
} # forever
} # DoNsLookup
# ------------------------------------------------------------
sub OpenExcelFile {
my( $excelFile, $workSheetName ) = @_;
&PrintUsage() unless defined $excelFile;
$excelFile = Win32::GetFullPathName( $excelFile );
unless( -f $excelFile ) {
warn "Error: file '$excelFile' not existing\n";
} # unless
my $excel;
eval { $excel = Win32::OLE->GetActiveObject( 'Excel.Application' ) };
die "Error: Excel not installed\n" if $@;
unless( defined $excel ) {
$excel = Win32::OLE->new( 'Excel.Application', sub{ $_[0]->Quit } )
or die "Error: can't start Excel\n";
} # unless
my $workbook = $excel->Workbooks->Open( $excelFile );
my $worksheet;
eval {
$worksheet = $workbook->Worksheets( $workSheetName );
if( $@ ) {
my( $msg ) = $@ =~ /:\s+\"(.+?)\"/;
die "Error: couldn't get worksheet '$workSheetName': $msg\n";
} # if
my $range = $worksheet->UsedRange->{Value};
my $lastRow = $#$range + 1;
return( $excel, $workbook, $worksheet, $lastRow );
} # OpenExcelFile
# ------------------------------------------------------------
sub PrintUsage {
require File::Basename;
my $bin = File::Basename::basename( $0 );
print <<EOUSAGE;
Usage: $bin -file file.xls -line 1 -read 1 -write 2
or: $bin -f file.xls -l 2 -r 1 -w 2
or: $bin --file=file.xls --l 2 -r=1 -w 2 -dns= -verbose
mandatory parameters:
-file ... excel file (mandatory argument)
optional parameters:
-sheet ... which worksheet in the excel file shell I use. Use the name
of the worksheet (e.g.-s=Table1)
-line ... start with line (e.g. to skip headline): first line is 1!
(default: start with line 1)
-read ... column containing the ip address (A, B, C, ...) (default: A)
-write ... column to write the hostname to (A, B, C, ...) (default: B)
-dns ... one or more DNS-Servers to query (default: the ones from your
system). If you want to submit more than one, just repeat the
combination -dns server, e.g. --dns= --dns=
-threads . how many threads shell be used (default: 16)
-verbose . print more output (default: not existing)
-help ... show this help page
Written by: Martin Fabiani 2007 http://www.fabiani.net/
exit 1;
} # PrintUsage
# ------------------------------------------------------------