Thread excelPerl
(15 answers)
Opened by
at 2006-11-05 23:06
User since 2003-08-04
Hallo Leute,
kennt ihr perl -ane "...." ? Ich habe mal gehoert, dass jemand sowas auch fuer Excel coded, jedoch kann das Teil anscheinend nur lesen. Es kann aber nicht so schwierig sein, sowas RW zu machen (solange es nur auf Windows laufen muss), also habe ich mal auf die Schnelle einen ersten Entwurf (Buggy, haesslich, Sch.-Objektmodell, [...] ) runtergeschrieben; eine Mini-Doku befindet sich am Ende.
Haltet ihr sowas fuer nuetzlich?
[update]Momentan ist v0.10 aktuell[/update], Q&D-Version 0.01
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#! /usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict;
use Getopt::Long; use Win32::OLE; use Win32::OLE::Const 'Microsoft Excel'; use Win32::OLE::Variant;
my $filename; my $visible = 0; my $workSheetNumber = 1; my $headline = 0; my $maxEmptyRows = 20; my $perlCode = "";
GetOptions('file=s' => \$filename, # filename 'visible' => \$visible, # see what you're doing 'sheetnumber=i' => \$workSheetNumber, # use which worksheet 'headline=i' => \$headline, # not yet used 'maxemptyrows' => \$maxEmptyRows, # how many rows may be empty? 'ane=s' => \$perlCode, # code to execute at @F ); my $xls = XlsPerl->new( filename => $filename, visible => $visible, worksheetnumber => $workSheetNumber, headline => $headline, ) ->open;
while( my @F = $xls->getNextRowData ) {
# setting up some variables my $R = $xls->currentRow; # ...
eval "$perlCode"; die $@ if $@;
# update row in excel sheet # TODO
} # for $row # ============================================================ package XlsPerl; use Carp qw(croak); # ------------------------------------------------------------ sub new { my( $class, %params ) = @_;
my $self = bless( {}, $class ); foreach my $param (keys %params) { $self->_getSet( $param, $params{$param} ); } # foreach
return $self; } # new # ------------------------------------------------------------ sub open { my( $self ) = @_;
my $filename = $self->filename;
defined $filename or croak( "Error: no filename given"); -f $filename or croak( "Error: filename '$filename' doesn't exist");
my $excel; # try to re-use running instance of Excel eval { $excel = Win32::OLE->GetActiveObject( 'Excel.Application' ) }; die "Error: no Excel installed\n" if $@;
unless( defined $excel ) { # if not running, start excel $excel = Win32::OLE->new( 'Excel.Application', sub { $_[0]->Quit } ) or die "Error: can't start Excel\n"; } # unless $self->excel( $excel );
# set window visible if it is wanted $self->setVisible;
my $book = $excel->Workbooks->Open( $self->filename ); $self->workbook( $book );
my $sheet = $book->Worksheets( $self->worksheetnumber ); $self->worksheet( $sheet );
$self->currentRow( 1 ); # TODO: headline $self->emptyRowCount( 0 );
return $self; } # open # ------------------------------------------------------------ sub setVisible { my $self = shift; $self->excel->{Visible} = $self->visible if $self->excel; } # setVisible # ------------------------------------------------------------ sub getNextRowData { my( $self ) = @_;
my $row = $self->currentRow; my $sheet = $self->worksheet; return if $row > $sheet->Rows->Count;
# my $maxCols = $sheet->Columns->Count; my $rowData = $sheet->Range("A$row:IV$row")->{Value}; # dirty
# "trimright" range (remove undefs at the end) my( $itemsFound, @row) = (0); foreach my $value ( reverse @{ $rowData->[0] } ) { if( defined $value ) { unshift( @row, $value ); $itemsFound++ } else { unshift( @row, '' ) if scalar @row } } # foreach
# check unless( $itemsFound ) { $self->increaseEmptyRowCount; return if $self->emptyRowCount > $maxEmptyRows; return $self->getNextRowData(); } # unless else { $self->emptyRowCount( 0 ); } # else
$self->increaseCurrentRow; return @row; } # getNextRowData # ------------------------------------------------------------ sub increaseCurrentRow { my $self = shift; $self->currentRow( 1 + $self->currentRow ); } # increaseCurrentRow # ------------------------------------------------------------ sub increaseEmptyRowCount { my $self = shift; $self->emptyRowCount( 1 + $self->emptyRowCount ); } # increaseEmptyRowCount # ------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------ # Object Interface Methods # ------------------------------------------------------------ sub filename { my $self = shift; $self->_getSet( 'filename', @_ ); } # filename # ------------------------------------------------------------ sub excel { my $self = shift; $self->_getSet( 'excel', @_ ); } # excel # ------------------------------------------------------------ sub workbook { my $self = shift; $self->_getSet( 'workbook', @_ ); } # worksheet # ------------------------------------------------------------ sub worksheet { my $self = shift; $self->_getSet( 'worksheet', @_ ); } # worksheet # ------------------------------------------------------------ sub worksheetnumber { my $self = shift; $self->_getSet( 'worksheetnumber', @_ ); } # worksheetnumber # ------------------------------------------------------------ sub visible { my $self = shift; $self->_getSet( 'visible', @_ ); } # visible # ------------------------------------------------------------ sub headline { my $self = shift; $self->_getSet( 'headline', @_ ); } # visible # ------------------------------------------------------------ sub currentRow { my $self = shift; $self->_getSet( 'currentRow', @_ ); } # currentRow # ------------------------------------------------------------ sub emptyRowCount { my $self = shift; $self->_getSet( 'emptyRowCount', @_ ); } # emptyRowCount # ------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------ # private subs # ------------------------------------------------------------ sub _getSet { my( $self, $attribute, @values) = @_;
$self->{ $attribute} = $values[0] if scalar @values;
return $self->{ $attribute }; } # _getSet # ------------------------------------------------------------ sub DESTROY { my $self = shift; $self->excel->Quit if $self->excel; } # DESTROY # ------------------------------------------------------------
=head1 Prerequisites
=over 1
=item Win32::OLE
=item Excel needs to be installed
=head1 Description
This script loops over an excel file row by row (like perl -ne), but skips empty rows. It splits the cells into an array with name @F (like perl -ane), and executes a given bit of perl code for each row.
Since I didn't find an easy way to find out how many rows are in this excel sheet, I told the script to stop after -maxemptyrows empty lines in a sequence.
Only the reading part is coded. A way to modify the Excel sheet when you modify @F needs to be written.
=head1 Params:
-file String: Name of excel file (full path) -visible Boolean: make excel visible (funny, but not yet useful) -sheetnumber Integer: which sheet shell I read (1..n, default: 1) -headline Integer: not yet implemented (line number of headline) -maxemptyrows Integer: stop after how many empty rows (default: 20) -ane String: Perl-Code to execute
Abbreviations of params are allowed, as long as they are unique, e.g -s 2 -m 10 -ane "print qq~$R: $F[0] $F[5]\n" -f c:\test.xls
=head1 Special Variables:
$R Row number @F Array containing the values of one complete row
=head1 Bugs/...
This code is very, very, very experimental, and some parts are dirty!
=head1 Author
Martin Fabiani L<>
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