Thread Simpler Threaded Server: ...und ich find den fehler nicht...
(5 answers)
Opened by
at 2007-05-18 11:56
User since 2007-05-18
Vielen dank für eure schnelle hilfe! :)
Also.. es läuft nun an, aber tut nich wirklich was ich will :/
Und zwar sollte er eigendlich die verbindung aufrecht erhalten und in die server funktion zurückfallen, stattdessen wird das prog aber komplett gekilled... Ausserdem weiss ich nicht wie ich jetzt weiter machen soll was die kommunikation zwischen server und client angeht, der client sendet zwar raus, aber wie kann ich im serverscript ne variable festlegen in die der input vom client kommt, gespeichert wird (strg+f: $authresponse)? Und die abfrage müsste ich doch dann per while schleife konstruieren oder?
so sieht es im moment aus:
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#Simples Server konstrukt by FlorianL;)
use strict; require 5.002; use warnings; use IO::Socket; use Carp;
my $cfgfile = "serverconfig.cfg"; my $keyfile = ".key.file";
my ($port, $username, $choosed, $coderef, $crypted);
sub logmsg {print "$0 $$: @_ at ", scalar localtime, "\n" } sub spawn;
sub genpass { print ("\nGenerating KeyFile\nEnter your Password: "); chomp (my $password = <STDIN>); my @chars = ("A" .. "Z"); my $salt = join("", @chars[ map {rand @chars } (1 .. 2) ]); $crypted = crypt("$password", "$salt"); open(KEYFILE,">$keyfile") or die "Error: Cant write the Keyfile"; print KEYFILE $crypted; close (KEYFILE); print ("\nHash = $crypted\n"); system("chmod 666 $keyfile"); print ("Keyfile saved to $keyfile!\nPermissions set to 666\nUpload it to your Clients now!\n"); }
sub readconfig() { open(CONFIG,$cfgfile) or die "Error: Cant open $cfgfile"; my @config=<CONFIG>; close(CONFIG); chomp($port = $config[0]); if ($port eq "") { die ("Error: No Port specified"); } chomp($username = $config[1]); if ($username eq "") { die ("Error: No Username specified"); } }
sub writeconfig() { print ("Config\n------\n"); print ("\nPort: "); my $port = <STDIN>; if ($port =~ m/[a-z]+/) { die ("Port must be a number!"); } print ("\nUsername: "); my $username = <STDIN>; print ("Config written to $cfgfile\n"); my @config = ($port, $username,); open(CONFIG,">$cfgfile"); print CONFIG (@config); close (CONFIG); open(KEYFILE,">$keyfile"); if (-z "$keyfile") { print ("No KeyFile present, well we generate one now...\n"); genpass(); } else { print ("KeyFile allready present!\n"); } close(KEYFILE); }
sub server() { readconfig(); my $proto = getprotobyname('tcp'); socket(SERVER, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $proto) || die "FAILED: socket: $!"; setsockopt(SERVER, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, pack ("l", 1)) || die "FAILED: setsockopt: $!"; bind(SERVER, sockaddr_in($port, INADDR_ANY)) || die "FAILED: bind: $!"; listen(SERVER, SOMAXCONN) || die "FAILED: listen: $!";
logmsg "Server started on Port $port";
my $waitedpid = 0; my $paddr;
sub KILLER { our $waitedpid = wait; $SIG{CHLD} = \&KILLER; logmsg "Killed $waitedpid" . ($? ? " with exit $?" : ''); } $SIG{CHLD} = \&KILLER; for ($waitedpid = 0; ($paddr = accept(CLIENT,SERVER)) || $waitedpid; $waitedpid = 0, close CLIENT) { next if $waitedpid and not $paddr; my ($port,$iaddr) = sockaddr_in($paddr); my $name = gethostbyaddr($iaddr,AF_INET);
logmsg "Connection from",inet_ntoa($iaddr);
spawn sub { print "CONNECT\n"; open(KEYFILE,$keyfile); my $crypt = <KEYFILE>; close(KEYFILE); my $authresponse = ''; if ($authresponse eq $crypt) { print "AUTHED\n"; } else { print "DENIED\n"; } } }
sub spawn { my $coderef = shift; unless (@_ == 0 && $coderef && ref($coderef) eq 'CODE') { confess "usage: spawn CODEREF"; } my $pid; if (!defined($pid = fork)) { logmsg "cannot fork: $!"; return; } elsif ($pid) { logmsg "forked $pid"; return; } open (STDIN, "<&CLIENT") || die "cant dup client to stdin"; open (STDOUT, ">&CLIENT") || die "cant dup client ti stdout"; exit &$coderef(); } }
sub help() { print ("Valid commandline Options are:\n"); print ("-config -Initiates Configuration\n"); print ("-printcfg -Print Config\n"); print ("-server -Starts the Server\n"); print ("-genpass -Generates a new keyfile \(1st-timers: Use -config instead!\)\n"); }
main { $choosed = $ARGV[0]; if ($choosed eq '-config') { writeconfig(); exit 0; } elsif ($choosed eq '-printcfg') { readconfig(); print ("Port: $port"); print ("Username: $username"); exit 0; } elsif ($choosed eq '-genpass') { genpass(); exit 0; } elsif ($choosed eq '-server') { server(); exit 0; } else { help(); exit 0; } }
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use strict; use warnings; use IO::Socket;
my ($server, $port, $keyfile, $choosed);
sub readconfig() { open(CONFIG,"config.cfg") or die "Error: Cant open config.cfg"; my @config=<CONFIG>; close(CONFIG); chomp($server = $config[0]); if ($server eq "") { die ("Error: No Server specified"); } chomp($port = $config[1]); if ($port eq "") { die ("Error: No Port specified"); } chomp($keyfile = $config[2]); if ($keyfile eq "") { die ("Error: No Keyfile specified"); } }
sub writeconfig() { print ("Config\n------\n"); print ("Server: "); my $server = <STDIN>; print ("\nPort: "); my $port = <STDIN>; if ($port =~ m/[a-z]+/) { die ("Port must be a number!"); } print ("\nKeyfile: "); my $keyfile = <STDIN>; print ("Config written to config.cfg\n"); my @config = ($server, $port, $keyfile); open(CONFIG,">config.cfg"); print CONFIG (@config); close (CONFIG); }
sub connection() { readconfig(); my $remote = IO::Socket::INET->new ( Proto => 'tcp', PeerAddr => $server, PeerPort => $port, Reuse => 1, ) or die "$!n"; print ("Connected to ", $remote->peerhost, " on port ",$remote->peerport, "\n\n"); $remote->autoflush(1); while ($remote) { my $line = <$remote>; open(KEYFILE,$keyfile); my $crypt = <KEYFILE>; close(KEYFILE); if ($remote eq 'AUTH') { print $remote "$crypt"; } elsif ($remote eq 'AUTHED') { print $remote "TEST"; } else { print "Communication failed, exiting...\n"; exit; } } close $remote; }
sub help() { print ("Valid commandline Options are:\n"); print ("-config -Initiates Configuration\n"); print ("-printcfg -Print Config\n"); print ("-connect -Connects to the Server\n"); }
$choosed = $ARGV[0]; if ($choosed eq '-config') { writeconfig(); exit 0; } elsif ($choosed eq '-printcfg') { readconfig(); print ("Server: $server"); print ("Port: $port"); print ("Keyfile: $keyfile"); exit 0; } elsif ($choosed eq '-connect') { connection(); exit 0; } else { help(); exit 0; }
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[root@doorgunner scripts]# perl -server 18904: Server started on Port 1337 at Fri May 18 11:32:44 2007 18904: Connection from at Fri May 18 11:32:47 2007 18904: forked 18906 at Fri May 18 11:32:47 2007 18904: Killed 18906 with exit 256 at Fri May 18 11:32:47 2007 [root@doorgunner scripts]#
[root@doorgunner scripts]# perl -connect Connected to on port 1337
Communication failed, exiting... [root@doorgunner scripts]#
[root@doorgunner scripts]# nc localhost 1337 CONNECT DENIED [root@doorgunner scripts]#
View full thread Simpler Threaded Server: ...und ich find den fehler nicht...