Thread Frage zum Modul PlRPC
(3 answers)
Opened by
at 2006-05-14 12:39
User since 2003-08-04
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#!/usr/bin/perl -wT # Note the -T switch! This is always recommended for Perl servers.
use strict; # Always a good choice.
require RPC::PlServer; require MD5;
package MD5_Server; # Clients need to request application # "MD5_Server"
$MD5_Server::VERSION = '1.0'; # Clients will be refused, if they # request version 1.1 @MD5_Server::ISA = qw(RPC::PlServer);
eval { # Server options below can be overwritten in the config file or # on the command line. my $server = MD5_Server->new({ 'pidfile' => '/var/run/', 'configfile' => '/etc/md5serv.conf', 'facility' => 'daemon', # Default 'user' => 'nobody', 'group' => 'nobody', 'localport' => 2000, 'logfile' => 0, # Use syslog 'mode' => 'fork', # Recommended for Unix 'methods' => { 'MD5_Server' => { 'ClientObject' => 1, 'CallMethod' => 1, 'NewHandle' => 1 }, 'MD5' => { 'new' => 1, 'add' => 1, 'hexdigest' => 1 }, } }); $server->Bind(); };
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use strict; # Always a good choice.
require RPC::PlClient;
# Constants my $MY_APPLICATION = "MD5_Server"; my $MY_VERSION = 1.0; my $MY_USER = ""; # The server doesn't require user my $MY_PASSWORD = ""; # authentication.
my $hexdigest = eval { my $client = RPC::PlClient->new ('peeraddr' => '', 'peerport' => 2000, 'application' => $MY_APPLICATION, 'version' => $MY_VERSION, 'user' => $MY_USER, 'password' => $MY_PASSWORD);
# Create an MD5 object on the server and an associated # client object. Executes a # $context = MD5->new() # on the server. my $context = $client->ClientObject('MD5', 'new');
# Let the server calculate a digest for us. Executes a # $context->add("This is a silly string!"); # $context->hexdigest(); # on the server. $context->add("This is a silly string!"); $context->hexdigest(); }; if ($@) { die "An error occurred: $@"; }
print "Got digest $hexdigest\n";
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