6.) Perl Cookbook, 2nd Edition
Tom Christiansen & Nathan Torkington
2nd Edition 2003
ISBN 0-596-00313-7
964 Seiten, EUR 48,-
The "Perl Cookbook, 2nd Edition" contains hundreds
of recipes in an easy-to-use format for the problems
you face everyday. The newest edition has been updated
for Perl 5.8, with extensive changes for Unicode support,
I/O layers, mod_perl, and new technologies. Topics include:
-Manipulating strings, numbers, dates, arrays, and hashes
-Pattern matching and text substitutions
-References, data structures, objects, and classes
-Signals and exceptions
-Screen addressing, menus, and graphical applications
-Managing other processes
-Writing secure scripts
-Client-server programming
-Internet applications programming with mail, news,
ftp, and telnet
-CGI and mod_perl programming
-Web programming
Sample recipes from Chapter 1, Strings, is available online at: