Laut perldoc des
IO::Socket::SSL akzeptiert dessen new() Methode einen Eintrag
SSL_passwd_cb, über den Du eine eigene Routine angeben kannst, die das Passwort zurückliefert. Also wäre das auch mit Tk machbar.
perldoc IO::Socket::SSLnew(...)
Creates a new IO::Socket::SSL object. You may use all the friendly options that came bundled with the super class (e.g. IO::Socket::IP, IO::Socket::INET, ...) plus (optionally) the ones described below. If you don't specify any SSL related options it will do its best in using secure defaults, e.g. choosing good ciphers, enabling proper verification, etc.
If your private key is encrypted, you might not want the default password prompt from Net::SSLeay. This option takes a reference to a subroutine that should return the password required to decrypt your private key.
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