Thread The Perl Jam 2 (24 answers)
Opened by Raubtier at 2015-12-17 14:04

 2015-01-03 18:45
#183369 #183369
User since
876 Artikel
Joel Berger
Given the embarrassing talk that Netanel Rubin gave last year, in which he chose not to learn a language and then laugh at it for the mistakes he made, I’m surprised I have to respond to yet another of his talks. ...
This year Netanel found two things and ran with them past the point of absurdity

Ich kann verstehen, wenn man gelegentlich sauer wird, aber besser finde ich eigentlich die Haltung aus dem Vorwort von "Programming Perl":
Larry Wall
You can program in Perl Baby-Talk, and we promise not to laugh. Or more precisely, we promise not to laugh any more than we'd giggle at a child's creative way of putting things.

Das gilt natürlich auch, wenn der Code noch nicht "creative", sondern einfach fehlerhaft ist.

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