Thread sort, ne und merkwürdiges Verhalten (5 answers)
Opened by Wastl at 2014-11-04 21:18

 2014-11-05 14:18
#178132 #178132
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Wenn Dich das tiefergehend interessiert, kannst Du ja mit den vorliegenden Informationen mal losziehen und Dir die zugrunde liegenden Sortier-Algorithmen anschauen:

perldoc -f sort
Perl 5.6 and earlier used a quicksort algorithm to implement sort. That algorithm was not stable, so could go quadratic. (A stable sort preserves the input order of elements that compare equal. Although quicksort's run time is O(NlogN) when averaged over all arrays of length N, the time can be O(N**2), quadratic behavior, for some inputs.) In 5.7, the quicksort implementation was replaced with a stable mergesort algorithm whose worst-case behavior is O(NlogN). But benchmarks indicated that for some inputs, on some platforms, the original quicksort was faster. 5.8 has a sort pragma for limited control of the sort. Its rather blunt control of the underlying algorithm may not persist into future Perls, but the ability to characterize the input or output in implementation independent ways quite probably will. See the sort pragma.

Quelle: Perldoc:perlfunc sort

Also wären es wohl quicksort und mergesort, die Du Dir näher anschauen könntest.
meine Beiträge: I.d.R. alle Angaben ohne Gewähr und auf Linux abgestimmt!
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