Thread Sofia vom 22.-24. August 2014 (29 answers)
Opened by lichtkind at 2014-06-24 09:45

 2014-09-08 13:40
#177151 #177151
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Schade, in der Schulzeit :-(
YAPC::EU 2015 from 2nd to 4th September
By YAPC::EU on September 7, 2014 9:11 PM
The YAPC::EU 2015 conference in Granada will officially begin on Wednesday Septermber 2nd and will end on Friday 4th.

We also encourage you to be in Granada by Tuesday September 1st: we will be having other interesting events to warm up before the conference. For instance, if you'd like to use the venue to organize a meeting, a hackathon or a workshop just drop us a line.

In any case, make sure you don't miss the pre-conference meeting on Tuesday evening.
Erst denken, dann posten --
27. Deutscher Perl- u. Raku -Workshop 12. bis 14. Mai 2025 in München.

Winter is Coming

View full thread Sofia vom 22.-24. August 2014