Thread Installationsproblem Coro (10 answers)
Opened by bianca at 2013-09-28 08:33

 2013-09-28 08:33
#170740 #170740
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7016 Artikel

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Laut CPAN Testers sollte Coro auf Win32Bit mit Perl 5.16.3 funktionieren.
Allerdings bekomme ich mit force haufenweise solche Meldungen:
C:\strawberry\perl\bin\perl.exe "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(0, 'blib\lib', 'blib\arch')" t/*.t t/handle/*.t

t/00_load.t ................ ok
t/01_basic.t ............... ok
t/02_signals.t ............. skipped: Broken perl detected, skipping tests.
t/03_child.t ............... skipped: Your perl interpreter is badly BROKEN. Child watchers will not work, ever. Try upgradi
ng to a newer perl or a working perl (cygwin's perl is known to work). If that is not an option, you should be able to use t
he remaining functionality of AnyEvent, but child watchers WILL NOT WORK.
t/04_condvar.t ............. ok
t/05_dns.t ................. ok
t/06_socket.t .............. ok
t/07_io.t .................. ok
t/08_idna.t ................ ok
t/09_multi.t ............... skipped: Your perl interpreter is badly BROKEN. Child watchers will not work, ever. Try upgradi
ng to a newer perl or a working perl (cygwin's perl is known to work). If that is not an option, you should be able to use t
he remaining functionality of AnyEvent, but child watchers WILL NOT WORK.
t/10_loadall.t ............. ok
t/11_io_perl.t ............. ok
t/12_io_ioaio.t ............ skipped: AnyEvent::IO::IOAIO not loadable
t/61_fltk_01_basic.t ....... skipped: PERL_ANYEVENT_LOOP_TESTS not true
t/61_fltk_02_signals.t ..... skipped: Broken perl detected, skipping tests.
t/61_fltk_03_child.t ....... skipped: Your perl interpreter is badly BROKEN. Child watchers will not work, ever. Try upgradi
ng to a newer perl or a working perl (cygwin's perl is known to work). If that is not an option, you should be able to use t
he remaining functionality of AnyEvent, but child watchers WILL NOT WORK.
t/61_fltk_04_condvar.t ..... skipped: PERL_ANYEVENT_LOOP_TESTS not true
t/61_fltk_05_dns.t ......... skipped: PERL_ANYEVENT_LOOP_TESTS not true
t/61_fltk_07_io.t .......... skipped: PERL_ANYEVENT_LOOP_TESTS not true
t/61_fltk_09_multi.t ....... skipped: Your perl interpreter is badly BROKEN. Child watchers will not work, ever. Try upgradi
ng to a newer perl or a working perl (cygwin's perl is known to work). If that is not an option, you should be able to use t
he remaining functionality of AnyEvent, but child watchers WILL NOT WORK.
t/62_cocoa_01_basic.t ...... skipped: PERL_ANYEVENT_LOOP_TESTS not true
t/62_cocoa_02_signals.t .... skipped: Broken perl detected, skipping tests.
t/62_cocoa_03_child.t ...... skipped: Your perl interpreter is badly BROKEN. Child watchers will not work, ever. Try upgradi
ng to a newer perl or a working perl (cygwin's perl is known to work). If that is not an option, you should be able to use t
he remaining functionality of AnyEvent, but child watchers WILL NOT WORK.
t/62_cocoa_04_condvar.t .... skipped: PERL_ANYEVENT_LOOP_TESTS not true
t/62_cocoa_05_dns.t ........ skipped: PERL_ANYEVENT_LOOP_TESTS not true
t/62_cocoa_07_io.t ......... skipped: PERL_ANYEVENT_LOOP_TESTS not true
t/62_cocoa_09_multi.t ...... skipped: Your perl interpreter is badly BROKEN. Child watchers will not work, ever. Try upgradi
ng to a newer perl or a working perl (cygwin's perl is known to work). If that is not an option, you should be able to use t
he remaining functionality of AnyEvent, but child watchers WILL NOT WORK.

Weiß jemand dafür eine Lösung?
10 print "Hallo"
20 goto 10

View full thread Installationsproblem Coro