Thread Port redirect/weiterleitung
(3 answers)
Opened by monti at 2012-09-18 14:05
Naja, die Frage ist, was Du unter "direkt" verstehst. Dein Perlskript kann nicht ohne weiteres die Verbindung von einem Client zum anderen weiterreichen. Es kann aber den Datenverkehr zwischen zwei Verbindungen hin- und herkopieren.
Letzteres geht in groben Zügen so (ungetestet): Code (perl): (dl
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 use IO::Handle; use IO::Select; use constant { BLOCKSIZE => 8192 }; my $c0 = ...; # Connection to client 0 my $c1 = ...; # Connection to client 1 # Make connections non-blocking $c0->blocking(0); $c1->blocking(0); # Initialize receiving selector and buffer table my $rcvsel = IO::Select->new($c0, $c1); my %rcvbuf = ($c0 => '', $c1 => ''); # Setup target mapping my %sndtgt = ($c0 => $c1, $c1 => $c0); # Initialize sending selector and buffer table my $sndsel = IO::Select->new(); my %sndbuf = ($c0 => $rcvbuf{$c1}, $c1 => $rcvbuf{$c0}); # Loop while data has to be received or sent while ($rcvsel->count > 0 or $sndsel->count > 0) { my @ready = $rcvsel->can_read(); for (@ready) { # If there is incoming data, determine receiving buffer and fill it my $buf = \$rcvbuf{$_}; my $len = $_->sysread($$buf, BLOCKSIZE, length($$buf)); if (defined $len) { if ($len > 0) { # If data was received, add the output target to the sending selector $sndsel->add($sndtgt{$_}); } else { # At end of stream, remove the input from the receiving selector $rcvsel->remove($_); } } else { die "read error: $!"; } } @ready = $sndsel->can_write(); for (@ready) { # If the connection is ready for output, try to flush the buffer my $buf = \$sndbuf{$_}; my $len = $_->syswrite($$buf); if (defined $len) { # If data was sent, remove it from the buffer substr($$buf, 0, $len) = ''; if (length($$buf) <= 0) { # If the buffer is empty, remove the output target from the sending selector $sndsel->remove($_); } } else { die "write error: $!"; } } } # All data has been transferred, so we close the streams $c0->close(); $c1->close(); When C++ is your hammer, every problem looks like your thumb.