Thread Fehlerhafte Webseiten bei (6 answers)
Opened by GwenDragon at 2011-11-19 10:10

 2011-11-19 10:10
#154324 #154324
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14785 Artikel
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nach dem Anzeigeproblem wie von Linuxer in msg #154272 beschrieben folgende Antwort auf meine Anfrage an shutterstock:

Thank you for your feedback!

I am forwarding your email to the appropriate department. Please note that I
am able to load the page you mentioned correctly in Safari 5.0.3.

Unfortunately I do not have Firefox 3.6 available since the current version is
8, but I would recommend an update if you can do so, the latest version of
Firefox being much improved and more compatible with today's web standards.

Please feel free to contact us anytime you have questions about our services.

Best regards,

Ich wies darauf hin, dass weder Firefox 3.6 noch Safari 5.1 das korrekt anzeigen.

Hoffe ich mal für alle Alt-Firefoxler und Safari-Leute, dass die das fixen.

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