Thread DBD::SQLite - Anzahl Zeilen abfragen (21 answers)
Opened by Kean at 2011-05-09 09:16

 2011-05-09 09:39
#148339 #148339
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Schau mal in die Dokumentation von CPAN:DBI zu rows:
Generally, you can only rely on a row count after a non-SELECT execute (for some specific operations like UPDATE and DELETE), or after fetching all the rows of a SELECT statement.
For SELECT statements, it is generally not possible to know how many rows will be returned except by fetching them all. Some drivers will return the number of rows the application has fetched so far, but others may return -1 until all rows have been fetched. So use of the rows method or $DBI::rows with SELECT statements is not recommended.

So wie ich das sehe, muss du erst mal alle Zeilen holen, bevor rows einen korrekten Wert hat.
Last edited: 2011-05-09 09:40:34 +0200 (CEST)

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