Thread Suchen / Ersetzen (25 answers)
Opened by NewtonZ4 at 2010-09-18 19:15

 2010-09-18 22:08
#141397 #141397
User since
11 Artikel
Hallo Topeg

erstmal vielen Dank!
Aber ich muss doch irgendwo den Pfad zu den Dateien hinterlegen?
Aber Wo?

Ich bekomme folgende Fehlermeldung:
String found where operator expected at C:\Users\User0815\Desktop\Steinhaus\Perl
\ line 23, near "$dfh '<'"
(Missing operator before '<'?)
String found where operator expected at C:\Users\User0815\Desktop\Steinhaus\Perl
\ line 25, near "$ofh '>'"
(Missing operator before '>'?)
syntax error at C:\Users\User0815\Desktop\Steinhaus\Perl\ line 23, near
"$dfh '<'"
syntax error at C:\Users\User0815\Desktop\Steinhaus\Perl\ line 25, near
"$ofh '>'"
Execution of C:\Users\User0815\Desktop\Steinhaus\Perl\ aborted due to co
mpilation errors.

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