aus :
$[ The index of the first element in an array, and of the first
character in a substring. Default is 0, but you could theoret‐
ically set it to 1 to make Perl behave more like awk (or For‐
tran) when subscripting and when evaluating the index() and
substr() functions. (Mnemonic: [ begins subscripts.)
As of release 5 of Perl, assignment to $[ is treated as a com‐
piler directive, and cannot influence the behavior of any other
file. (That’s why you can only assign compile-time constants
to it.) Its use is highly discouraged.
Note that, unlike other compile-time directives (such as
strict), assignment to $[ can be seen from outer lexical scopes
in the same file. However, you can use local() on it to
strictly bind its value to a lexical block.
perl -wle'
$[ = 23;
@a = qw/ a b c /;
print $a[23]'
edit: link zu perlvar korrigiert
Last edited: 2009-11-18 16:57:23 +0100 (CET)