Thread Perl QS-Tools (5 answers)
Opened by luke at 2009-10-09 14:51

Gast luke
 2009-10-09 14:51
#126786 #126786

ich suche Tools für Perl, die so einigermaßen dem entsprechen, das ich von PHP her kenne:

phpcpd is a Copy/Paste Detector (CPD) for PHP code. Its goal is not not to replace more sophisticated tools such as phpcs, pdepend, or phpmd, but rather to provide an alternative to them when you just need to get a quick overview of duplicated code in a project.

pdepend can generate a large set of software metrics from a given code base. These values can be used to measure the quality of a software project and they help to identify the parts of an application where a code refactoring should be applied.

phpmd scans PHP source code and looks for potential problems such as possible bugs, dead code, suboptimal code, and overcomplicated expressions

Gerade bei dem Copy/Paste Detector habe ich letztendlich nichts gefunden, pdepend und phpmd denke ich in einem ersten Schritt durch Perl::Critic ersetzen zu können.

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