Thread SOAP::WSDL in Active Perl (12 answers)
Opened by mikdoe at 2009-06-02 10:33

 2009-06-02 13:05
#122233 #122233
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12208 Artikel
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2009-06-02T10:47:59 mikdoe
Checking prerequisites...
- ERROR: Class::Std::Fast is not installed
- ERROR: Template is not installed
- ERROR: Date::Format is not installed
- ERROR: Date::Parse is not installed
- ERROR: Class::Std::Fast is not installed
- ERROR: Template is not installed
- ERROR: Date::Format is not installed
- ERROR: Date::Parse is not installed
Was fehlt denn jetzt noch???

  • Class::Std::Fast
  • Template
  • Date::Format
  • Date::Parse

kennst du Wiki:ModuleWieInstalliereIchEinModul schon? wenn man das richtige ppm-repository hat, findet man da auch die meisten module...
Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live. -- Damian Conway in "Perl Best Practices"
lesen: Wiki:Wie frage ich & perlintro Wiki:brian's Leitfaden für jedes Perl-Problem

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