Thread Aktion mit einer Website über deren Formular (30 answers)
Opened by iPerl at 2009-01-22 17:05

 2009-01-24 12:43
#118282 #118282
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628 Artikel
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wenn ich mir die Doku anschaue, klingt das für mich so, als ob du etwas vergessen hast. Ich kenn mich mit dem Modul aber nicht aus.

$mech->field( $name, $value, $number )
$mech->field( $name, \@values, $number )

Given the name of a field, set its value to the value specified. This applies to the current form (as set by the "form_name()" or "form_number()" method or defaulting to the first form on the page).

The optional $number parameter is used to distinguish between two fields with the same name. The fields are numbered from 1.

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