Thread Platformunabhängigen code UNIX/Win32 (7 answers)
Opened by Schnullux at 2008-07-24 18:04

 2008-07-26 00:52
#112770 #112770
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3891 Artikel

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aus perlrun:
The #! line is always examined for switches as the line is being parsed. Thus, if you're on a machine that allows only one argument with the #! line, or worse, doesn't even recognize the #! line, you still can get consistent switch behavior
regardless of how Perl was invoked, even if -x was used to find the beginning of the program.
meine Beiträge: I.d.R. alle Angaben ohne Gewähr und auf Linux abgestimmt!
Die Sprache heisst Perl, nicht PERL. - Bitte Crossposts als solche kenntlich machen!

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