Thread PHP und MySQL Problem (12 answers)
Opened by protag at 2008-02-21 14:07

 2008-02-22 10:51
#106224 #106224
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Warum verwendest Du hier printf, wo ein print doch dicke ausreicht und zu bevorzugen ist?
Wenn Du keine Formatierung zu tun hast, nimm print.

perldoc -f printf

Equivalent to "print FILEHANDLE sprintf(FORMAT, LIST)", except
that "$\" (the output record separator) is not appended. The
first argument of the list will be interpreted as the "printf"
format. See "sprintf" for an explanation of the format argu-
ment. If "use locale" is in effect, the character used for the
decimal point in formatted real numbers is affected by the
LC_NUMERIC locale. See perllocale.

Don't fall into the trap of using a "printf" when a simple
"print" would do. The "print" is more efficient and less error

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