#!/usr/bin/perl print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; use CGI qw/:cgi-lib/; use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); %FORM=Vars(); #Instructions ################## #Set this to the server path to the crons.txt $pathtocrontxt="/var/www/vhosts/mydomain/cgi-bin/crons.txt"; # In the crons.txt put the first line as 0 and then put each cronjob on a seperate line below # set the chmod permissions to crons.txt to 777 and cron.cgi to 755 ##################################### print "Running Crons...\n"; open(INF,"$pathtocrontxt") or print "couldnt open file"; @commands=; close(INF); foreach $line(@commands){ chomp($line); if($line == 0){ print "not working\n"; @commands[0]="1\n"; open(OUTF,">$pathtocrontxt"); foreach $command(@commands){ print OUTF "$command"; } close(OUTF); } elsif($line == 1){ print "working"; exit; } else { print "Executing: $line\n"; $output=system("$line"); print "$output\n"; } } @commands[0]="0\n"; open(OUTF,">$pathtocrontxt"); foreach $command(@commands){ print OUTF "$command"; } close(OUTF); print "\n\nDone!\n";