#... sub autoload_sub { my $sub = shift; my $filename = AutoLoader::find_filename( $sub ); my $save = $@; local $!; # Do not munge the value. eval { local $SIG{__DIE__}; require $filename }; if ($@) { if (substr($sub,-9) eq '::DESTROY') { no strict 'refs'; *$sub = sub {}; $@ = undef; } elsif ($@ =~ /^Can't locate/) { # The load might just have failed because the filename was too # long for some old SVR3 systems which treat long names as errors. # If we can successfully truncate a long name then it's worth a go. # There is a slight risk that we could pick up the wrong file here # but autosplit should have warned about that when splitting. if ($filename =~ s/(\w{12,})\.al$/substr($1,0,11).".al"/e){ eval { local $SIG{__DIE__}; require $filename }; } } #...