use CGI qw(:standard);
# /snip/
sub notify{
my ($aa, $ab, $ac, $ad, $ae)=@_;
my ($et)=param("et");
if ($EMAILPROG and $EMAIL{$aa}){
if ($aa eq 'w'){$ad=" ... $ad"}
$_=$ae; s/<[^>]*>/ /g; s/\s+/ /g; s/(^ | $)//g; # strip out html
$ae=$_?qq! "$_"!:'';
if (open (MAIL, "|$EMAILPROG $EMAIL{$aa}")){
print MAIL "Subject: [$ab]message: $ac. $ad\n";
print MAIL "texttesxttext $ab$ae:\n\n";
print MAIL "\n$et\n";
print MAIL "\n-----------------------------------------\nnoch mehr text-----------------------------------------\n";
close (MAIL);
$err="Your move has been e-mailed to $NAME{$aa}. $err"
else{ $err="Warning: had problems e-mailing $NAME{$aa}. $err" }
# /snip/
sub notify{
my ($plyr, $bd, $mvno, $mv, $title)=@_;
my ($et)=param("et");
if ($EMAILPROG and $EMAIL{$plyr}){
if ($plyr eq 'w'){$mv=" ... $mv"}
$_=$title; s/<[^>]*>/ /g; s/\s+/ /g; s/(^ | $)//g; # strip out html
$title=$_?qq! "$_"!:'';
if (open (MAIL, "|$EMAILPROG $EMAIL{$plyr}")){
print MAIL "Subject: [$bd]Chess: $mvno. $mv\n";
print MAIL "Your opponent (".$COLOUR{other($plyr)}.") just moved on board $bd$title:\n\n";
foreach (@moves){ print MAIL "$_\n" }
print MAIL "\n$et\n";
print MAIL "\n\n$URL/$CGIPATH/$SCRIPT?dj=1&bd=$bd\n";
print MAIL "\n-----------------------------------------\nYou have been notified automatically by\nthe BeholderBoard Virtual Chess-set $VER\n-----------------------------------------\n";
close (MAIL);
$err="Your move has been e-mailed to $COLOUR{$plyr}. $err"
else{ $err="Warning: had problems e-mailing $COLOUR{$plyr}. $err" }
# /snip/
sub printBoard{
my $bd=shift;
my ($y,$x,$isz,$timelapse,$t,$hlch,$hcch,$hmch,$fbch,$form,$status);
my $onUnload='';
# /snip/
if ($plyr){
# /snip/
$emailtextLabel='your text';
# /snip/