CPAN: File::HomeDir loaded ok (v0.58) CPAN: Storable loaded ok (v2.16) Going to read C:\Perl\cpan\Metadata Database was generated on Sun, 21 Sep 2008 08:03:21 GMT CPAN: YAML loaded ok (v0.66) Going to read C:\Perl/cpan/build/ DONE Found no old builds, restored the state of none Running install for module 'Parrot::Interpreter' Running make for P/PM/PMIC/parrot-0.7.1.tar.gz CPAN: Digest::SHA loaded ok (v5.44) CPAN: Compress::Zlib loaded ok (v1.4201) Checksum for C:\Perl\cpan\sources\authors\id\P\PM\PMIC\parrot-0.7.1.tar.gz ok [...] CPAN: File::Temp loaded ok (v0.18) Going to build P/PM/PMIC/parrot-0.7.1.tar.gz Parrot Version 0.7.1 Configure 2.0 Copyright (C) 2001-2008, The Perl Foundation. Hello, I'm Configure. My job is to poke and prod your system to figure out how to build Parrot. The process is completely automated, unless you passed in the `--ask' flag on the command line, in which case I'll prompt you for a few pieces of info. Since you're running this program, you obviously have Perl 5--I'll be pulling some defaults from its configuration. init::manifest - Check MANIFEST.....................................done. init::defaults - Set Configure's default values.....................done. init::install - Set up installation paths..........................done. init::miniparrot - Tweak settings for miniparrot...................skipped. init::hints - Load platform and local hints files................done. init::headers - Find header files distributed with Parrot..........done. inter::progs - Determine what C compiler and linker to use...Compilation failed with 'cl' PMIC/parrot-0.7.1.tar.gz C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe Makefile.PL -- NO Makefile created Running make test Make had some problems, won't test Running make install Make had some problems, won't install