use Tk; use Tk::Help; my $main = MainWindow->new(-title => "My Application"); $main->configure(-menu => my $menubar = $main->Menu); my $filemenu = $menubar->cascade(-label => "~File", -tearoff => 0); my $helpmenu = $menubar->cascade(-label => "~Help", -tearoff => 0); $filemenu->command(-label => "E~xit", -command => sub{$main->destroy}); $helpmenu->command(-label => "~Help Contents", -command => sub{showhelp()}); MainLoop; 1; sub showhelp { @helparray = ([{-title => "My Application", -header => "My Application Help", -text => "This is a description of my application for the help."}], [{-title => "Section 1", -header => "\n\nSection 1 Help", -text => ""}, {-title => "1st Feature", -header => "The 1st Feature", -text => "This is the text describing the 1st feature of section 1."}, {-title => "2nd Feature", -header => "The 2nd Feature", -text => "This is the text describing the 2nd feature of section 1."}], [{-title => "Section 2", -header => "\n\nSection 2 Help", -text => ""}, {-title => "1st Feature", -header => "The 1st Feature", -text => "This is the text describing the 1st feature of section 2."}, {-title => "2nd Feature", -header => "The 2nd Feature", -text => "This is the text describing the 2nd feature of section 2."}]); my $help = $main->Help( -title => "My Application - Help", -variable => \@helparray); }