use File::Copy;
@maintext = <>;
print STDERR "stripping EOLs off main document..."; # STDERR: Standardfehlerausgabe
for (@maintext) {chomp();}
print STDERR "done\njoining lines...";
$_ = join("\n", @maintext);
open(CLEAR_BAT, ">delfn.bat");
print CLEAR_BAT "\@echo off\n";
print STDERR "done\nstart substituting footnotes (this may take a while)...\n";
#s!(]*?>)?([0-9]+)()?!insert_fntext($3, $1)!ges;
s!!insert_fntext($2, $1)!ges;
print CLEAR_BAT "echo all footnote files deleted";
print STDERR "file 'delfn.bat' created (can be used to remove the single footnote files)\n";
print $_;
print STDERR "ready\n";
# Fussnotentext aus uebergebener HTML-Datei holen und zurueckliefern
sub get_fntext #sub: Unterroutine
my $fnfile = shift;
$fnfile =~ s/\s*(.*)\s*/$1/; # Leerzeichen am Anfang und Ende des Dateinamens entfernen
open(FNOTE, "<".$fnfile) || print STDERR "footnote file '$fnfile' not found";
print STDERR "processing footnote file '$fnfile'...";
my @fntext = ;
for (@fntext) {chomp();}
my $fntext = join("\n", @fntext);
$fntext =~ s!.*(.*)